Drake donates $1M in Bitcoin to LeBron James' charity (2025)

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Drake donates $1M in Bitcoin to LeBron James' charity (1)

Bang Showbiz

Published Mar 24, 2022Last updated Mar 24, 20221 minute read

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Drake donates $1M in Bitcoin to LeBron James' charity (2)

Drake has donated $1 million in Bitcoin to LeBron James’ charity after a big roulette win.

Drake donates $1M in Bitcoin to LeBron James' charity (3)

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The ‘God’s Plan’ hitmaker scooped a huge prize when gambling on Stake.com and he decided to spread the love to the pro basketball player’s LeBron James Family Foundation, and he donated $100,000 to a student’s hard-working mother.

Speaking in an Instagram video, he said: “I had an incredible night last night playing roulette on Stake.

Drake donates $1M in Bitcoin to LeBron James' charity (5)


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“Anytime I get blessed like that, I always think it’s good karma that needs to be transferred.

“So, I play for fun and I play in hopes that I can spread love always. So tonight, I’m doing a dinner with my brother [LeBron] … we’re doing a Lobos dinner tonight.”

Speaking to LeBron, he said: “I’m going to, myself and Eddie from Stake, are going to dedicate $1 million to the I PROMISE School and I’m going to come and drop it off myself.”

The pro basketball player replied: “Wow, wow, wow. I appreciate it. My kids are going to go crazy for that.”

LeBron’s foundation opened the I PROMISE School, which tries to help the most at-risk students and families in Akron, Ohio, in 2018.

Drake and LeBron also invited a student-athlete and basketball player called Michael and his mum over for dinner, and presented her with $100,000.

Drake donates $1M in Bitcoin to LeBron James' charity (6)

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The musician said: “On behalf of me and my brother [LeBron] and Stake, we wanted to give you this, it’s $100,000. Hopefully it makes this journey a little easier.”

Michael’s mother was shocked and asked Drake and LeBron if she was “dreaming”.

Drake wrote in the video’s caption: “Family Blessings w/ my brother @kingjames courtesy of @stake there’s no better feeling in the world (sic)”

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