FOX News Sunday : KTVU : June 16, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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. next week, robert f kennedy's choice for vice president californian nicole shanahan sits down with us for an exclusive interview. thanks for watching. this week, you can get extended versions of all of our interviews in podcast form. just search for the issue is whe ver ♪ >> shannon: i'm shannon bream. fears arise after people arrested with isis ties arriving illegally in the us in brought into the country. what, if anything, is washington doing about the growing threats.

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>> how many more terrorists are in our country because joe biden opened up a solid and border. >> we are headed for another 911 we should see who's in our country. >> in danger. with the homeland security warning that we continue to be a heightened risk for a terror attack. president biden wraps up the key g-7 meeting in europe where he signed a new security agreement with ukraine and at a sanctions on russia with attentions at moss county will look the top democrat jim himes. then... >> this unity in the republican party. >> for president trump goes to capitol hill since leaving office and then he hits the campaign trail. is speculation over who will pick as his running mate hits a fever pitch. will talk to someone many put the top of the list.

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>> the supreme court is making it so we are unable to go with this gun violence epidemic. >> divided supreme court ruled against a trump era ban on bomb stocks but they will back access to an abortion pill. we will debate those decisions a look ahead to the big opinions yet to come including a make or break case on presidential immunity, all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ >> shannon: hello from fox news in washington happy father's day. in the headlines for president trump and the key battleground state of michigan rallying supporters of the conservative turning point action conference in detroit to foot the critical state in california they took place in the star-studded piece with $20 million for the

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reelection campaign. fresh out the g-7 solvent -- g-7 summit where they had that support for ukraine including billions of dollars in a moment we will get the ranking member intelligence congressman. >> they declined flying from italy to los angeles with the big hollywood fundraiser so back in europe with that in volodymyr zelensky in italy. with the joint press conference. >> taking three major steps with the g-7 that shows putin we can't -- he cannot wait us out providing ukraine with

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$50 billion in the seized russian assets and sanctioning those in the war efforts. >> a russian armada arrived in havana including a nuclear powered submarine. they say there was no nuclear weapons on board. is a remark putin demanded they surrender four regions occupied by the russian forces. >> we are making other concrete proposal. >> with the administrator should vice-president kamala harris responding to putin software. >> he's not calling for negotiations, he's calling for surrender. >> the pledge in a dellien on $.5 billion. many ukrainians believe putin only wants peace talks in order

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to give russia time to prepare another offensive. ukraine's president says this is like the failed munich agreement with hitler in 1938. when the european leaders allowed hitler to give the german-speaking region of chocolates aback, yeah, in exchange for peace. broken by the nazis leading to the start of world war ii. >> these messages are the same of those of hitler rousell a hundred years ago said, give me a part of chocolates aback, yeah, and that will put an end to everything. no, these are historical lies. >> officials say president biden claims 200 down over the next week to repair for his first debate with four president donald trump in less than two weeks shannon. >> shannon: in the white house thank you lucas. turning to threats at home before i let you go, and want to make sure i ask you about this too. there was a nationals was suspected ties to isis and they rested -- were arrested in three

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cities across the us and this is a whole different conversation i worry about terrorists in the us, to have any warnings, what's the plan? >> there is no new warnings, the last time they issued a bulletin was over a year ago. on the moscow massacre they were also tied to isis. >> thank you very much. the house intelligence committee welcome back to fox news sunday! >> thank you for having me shannon. >> i want to start there. he has issued numerous warnings in recent months and years with the national security interest is a piece that cites the numerous testimony he's given of the last few months and they sanded this headline the

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terrorism warning lights are blinking red again they say it echoes the run-up to 911 and it's not difficult to imagine a person or even a group with the intent to do this slipping across the border in carrying out a large massacre. he himself says he's hard-pressed to think of a time in his career where there's been more national security issues at a higher level then they are wright now. you serve intel, how worried are you about millions of people in this country that we really don't know the full story? >> it's not just that shannon, the perpetrators of 911 pulled off the most spectacular terrorist attack against united states from inside the nine states on student visas so the fact that there or lots of people who are here on undocumented basis is a threat and the fbi director is right about that and the fbi director and chiefs of all the intelligence committee are very focused. underlying this so courses the conflict in israel in gaza which is activated radical islamic terrorists more than ever before

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they would like to undertake an attack in a spectacular way and the other thing going on is over time we have gradually shifted our attention to china and of course to russia and some extent it's a little bit of a zero-sum game. if you are focused on china which i think is appropriate or focus on supporting the ukrainian which is approach appropriate, then there's a little -- fear resources for the counterterrorism mission. >> shannon: i want to get out to all these things because we are unique position on this particular committee but before we leave the border let's talk about this with the federal source telling fox these eight men were fully vetted at the border. the acting director of isis, it's common for people and we don't have full information so i think after dhs the inspector general came out just a few days ago the vetting process is not what needs to be. instead of absolutely just saying we're not going to let these folks in the country might have questions that we don't know anything about them i think the question is why were they

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not deported and detained and we can they see the overflowing detention facility boys answer just to release them into the united states? >> 's i thank you put your finger on it here, the issue is not that they came across the border although that is an issue, the issue is not fundamentally with the vetting process, per se,, the issue was when their identities were determined did not have derogatory information on them, that's an inevitable aspect of you never have perfect information right? well, over time and american should be very proud of the calibre that their law enforcement and intelligence did, over time it became evident that these individuals actually had connections arm they were communicating in ways that were concerning and then all of a sudden eyes on to those individuals so again, no vetting system is perfect and the problem is not the vetting it's the fact your database is never complete no matter how good you are. american should take some comfort in the fact that the moment these guys started

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communicating doing suspect things we were all over them. doesn't mean we need to double down the stuff but the fact is i guess i should also mention shannon there's always a tension between arrest the guys immediately which is of course the safest thing to do for -- versus let's see who else there talking to do they have connections can they point us to other people we should be looking after? being familiar with the case of thing they made the right decision to watch and learn and listen and figure out who else they were talking to and then when the moment was right to make those arrests. >> a thing allow people wonder what fully guided means and who knows what else there is worries and this has been mentioned to you by doctor ray that october 7th would inspire other people to do things within this country and we would see if this cease-fire comes together there but we are learning from reporting at the wall street journal they have seen -- text with the leader of hamas talk about the necessary death of

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civilians to benefit hamas from texting earlier this year they say this, and the message he urged his comrades outside of gaza to not make concessions with the high civilian casualties and worldwide pressure on israel again, at the queen occasion say he sees the death says necessary sacrifices how can we expect israel to negotiate with a moss knowing these things. >> not long support -- big surprise they are just discussing human beings, think about the hundreds of miles of tunnels that are very hard to access lasting approach in gaza has access to these tunnels. we have known for a very long time that the use civilians as human shields i think he understands when peace comes hamas will never again be allowed by anyone, israel or the

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rest of the world, to run gaza that's a huge impediment to his doing a deal but no surprise he would deliberately sneak to create a humanitarian catastrophe. we saw as relational -- soldiers died yesterday, that's aware that's taking a huge toll on both sides. it's always a good idea to maintain negotiations and try and stop this kind of violence. how you negotiate is a very comp a kid thing and there's a reason we haven't seen a deal agreed to yet but bill burns of the cia and others are working very hard to try and get to a situation where hamas is out of the picture and there's just a lot fewer israelis and palestinians dying. >> shannon: i want to talk will form policy more broadly because the president has been the world stage talking with the bilateral deal with the ten year securities guaranteed. i talked once under husso that looks like a treaty, something they should be having the

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privilege and duty to put through with a vote on capitol hill. this is not happening, it looks it was structural to go around that but overall, how the president is doing we have conflict around the world and americans alike to president biden that he would restore us to the norms and calm but here is what the political -- the democratic pollster and -- rights. when they go to the ballot box one question they will ask themselves is weather or not the world a safer then it was four years ago. right now the polls make it clear that no americans don't feel the world a safer nor do they trust the current ministration to make it safer political quotes if this election is at all about foreign policy, biden will lose. we know this is selling that will come up in the debate less than two weeks from now. how should president biden answer? these abiy klain sight president trump that the war started under his administration, he is not managing the world stage well.

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>> is a political matter i think it's hundred 50 years with the foreign policy they never really been all that pretty much of an influence in american voting for better or worse but again, if you want to overlay these comp occasions in the world's partisan talking points you can say, yeah,, there is more wars globally than there were four years ago. well, i don't know if it's president biden's fault that putin decided to attack and don't think it's his fault that hamas decided to perpetrate. >> but you know his public and critics will say as he has telegraphed some level of weakness, appeasem*nt that have led to bad actors around the world today they can take advantage of the situation?

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the invasion of ukraine was turned back and will not succeed, home also be taken out of the picture in the middle east at some point in the allies they are more together than ever before. you can ask lots of republicans but i would urge you to actually ask europeans and ask the taiwanese whether they feel safer with president biden or president trump i thank you get a very instructive set of answers there. >> right now when we ask it's not good on that point but there is many others that will factor in to the decision. we always appreciate your time congressman, thank you. >> thank you. >> president trump will go to the key battleground states with who he will choose as his running mate that heats up it will talk to the man sometime -- some say he's the top of the list and he is up next. ♪

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♪ >> better off with trump by a lot. joe biden and his cronies in washington got rich by selling off michigan jobs and selling out detroit's. >> former president trump speaking out of michigan last night with less than two weeks to go before the first debate with president biden and speculation over who he might pick for his running mate is spiking. he's top of the shortlist for a lot, doug burgum. >> gratis you shanna, first of all happy father's day a quick shout out to our three kids without them i would have a chance to be a father. >> absolutely and i'm sure you they are watching you and cheering you on. you're very busy on the trail. i want to bring this up, the post a number of so-called

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insiders but what the president is looking for and they say you are perceived to be at the top the list because you are smart and rich and you have been a great surrogate and you have an ability to fade into the background a lot the president be the headliner they also said you have great hehr. [ laughter ] sopuck that's where the criteria this year. let me get this out of the way, you have been a supporter president trump for a long time that you said this last year... >> would you ever do business with donald trump? >> i don't think so. >> why? >> i just think it's important you are judged by the company you keep band... >> you just won't do business with him? >> i wouldn't. >> pineo supporter as far back as 2016 and also in 2020 but you decide to run against him and you said that. had you evolved on height be the president? >> will yes thank you for gave me an opportunity to talk with this and/or some early during my business running through this. i never met president trump when i endorsed him that i was

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excited about a business person in the white house and of course when he won, we won for the first time money for public office and the excitement that night and our event in north dakota it was electric. i'm serving underneath them for four years as a governor was fantastic. it was a good breeze at your back. then i had to serve under joe biden and that has been a heavy gale force wind in your face but biden has been office and i've a great relationship with the first lady and with the white house and the president during the time as a governor and the president would but the record number. >> that was prior to say you into business with him? >> no but since january when we endorsed him, when we dropped out a first of the candidates to

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endorse him had a chance to spend a ton of time with him since january and i wish every american good see him the way catherine and i have got to know him in the last six months because he works tirelessly and he's committed and smart and funny, he's nothing like he's portrayed in the press yes to that same question today i would say absolutely i would do business with him because i think will how successful he's been with whatever it is weather tv, real estate, politics, all the things he has done, the guy knows how to get it done. i think every american we should be grateful that we have someone with that talent for the private sector that will put himself back in the presidential race again. >> shannon: it seems those that shared back room background as businessmen. the deregulation and other things but when it comes to his overall economic plan there is questions and critics say things like mass deportation what the cost of labour. the new tariffs on the imported will raise prices and raising

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the prices overall. with president trump really with lawmakers they said he loves tariffs and floated replacing the income tax with the revenue from tariffs. but not a liberal leaning group they say i think i can soothe low confidence president trump trade policies and immigration policies would result in price spikes. that's lusting americans want renowned what you say to this? >> i think if anyone looks at his actual record of negotiating with other countries, what he's always looking for is balanced trade we have the largest economy in the world's all kinds of countries around the world not just china but france and others they put tariffs on american products going their way it's pretty simple for president trump we're going to tear up yours or euterpe hours. with -- on behalf of american workers and companies when he does this and again he

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understands how to use power. somatic and informational economic power sometimes is more powerful than military power. he knows how to wield that and he will be able to drive solutions that benefit america and american workers. >> you talk a lot about energy and he thank you are the most knowledgeable people he talks to about issues of energy. what you have critics back home in north dakota which thank you shipped on this for more green from the policies of something that's now pretty much more supportive of the gas and oil industry new york times quotes with the dakota resources council they say he and others have witnessed taking you a sharp tack to the round energy issues echoing the oil industry to tax after entering your second term in office and getting ready for a presidential run. i'll think just want he changed his views as he's an opportunist. your answer? >> out that there's a left-leaning group that i'm to pro- american energy at think that's a great endorsem*nt and i

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will take it. of course none of those phrases are accurate in north dakota we would be pro- energy long before we are pro- innovation a regulation i think this drives some people on the left crazy because they want to regulate the us energy business out of business. and that's fundamental to both our economy and national security. when you drive american energy supply down you drive price up with that hurts every american is the core piece of inflation but the worst part about this energy policy is out of those written by china, venezuela, these the countries that are benefiting our adversaries we are at war with russia and they are literally funding those wars with biden's energy policy. >> not they will say they'll point out that there is more production on that there -- and there has ever been before of domestic energy. >> the point that out but at such a false headline because it should be pretty much higher

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they act like it's at the perfect level for iran to have their production weigh up in places like north dakota way down then they brag about that like a look at our production is up? it should be pretty much higher. it's at the levels its up in -- despite the bottom ministration. when they do stuff like put up a pause on lng exports, you imparted me was in the kremlin. they had to be celebrating. they had to be like all that works, we will write the energy policy with the bottom ministration for russia. he proved to trump council, you trump was tough on russia and he understood we cannot have all of europe and our allies on russian energy in this whole war for russia being funded by the oil price. we turn right should -- russia into the -- china's discount gas station. first economy and national security in north dakota we can produce low carbon fuels if you want to have low carbon density

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fuels that suit with innovation. the subsidies around the cars as team china. we are already doing this in north dakota. >> i want to make sure we touch on the border to. and i think a lot of these things are tied together. most republicans and a few democrats have been critical with the president is doing. without the left in the right there is more coming, many of the executive actions president trump took during his time were discarded by the bottom ministration when he showed up it's easier to do that then it is to overcome something passed legislatively, the white house says this has to be solved by congress. president trump was in the white house and had the house and the senate and this didn't get solved. what would a trumpet ministration maybe a workup of ministration to actually solve problems? >> we know president trump knows how to shut down the border and we know our or -- own border patrol can do that if they are supported effectively with the

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bite ministration what they have done with the lack of support for law enforcement the borders of same thing that the blue cities have done they've defunded the police i've had an opportunity to beat down the border more than biden and harris we had north dakota troops down there supporting the efforts to keep our country secure almost entirely during the bite ministration and when you're down there and you see the challenge we have here, my last trip down there, a huge increase in people coming from china and from a hundred 40 countries seen this week isis members in the united states the possibility of a 911 type terror attack happening in our country has happened dramatically -- gone up dramatically i think american people are ready to get behind a president who says will make sure we can't have national security unless we have border security. and we can make this happen on day one and part of this adjustable any people who can do it. the executive orders whatever it takes you know president trump will close the border.

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>> the president has said if he wins he want to be part of the menstruation and see if that means joining the ticket as governor. >> thank you shannon. >> four president donald trump returns for the first time since leaving office to make peace with some of his critics inside the party. our sunday panel is next .

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>> i said earlier this year he owned -- are the nomination with voters all across the country. >> is said to see members like that fold under the authoritarian politics of donald trump but at least it clarifies the stakes for us in the 2024 election. >> mitch mcconnell was once at odds with president trump looks at they call a truce and jamie tried to leverage that shift against the gop ahead of november's elections. time now for our sunday group washington bureau chief susan page. fox news senior political analyst, the heritage foundation president kevin roberts and jeff mason with the white house correspondent, good to have all you with us, welcome and happy to -- i father's day to our dads on the panel. president trump went back to capitol hill and there's been

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very intense relationships i think it's fair to say what you know, washington post headline is he seems to have achieved the goal of remarkable republican anonymity that's we need to going into the fold? >> is the entire conservative knees at ten hats off to president trump for his leadership on this i'm often at odds and they are often at all to a o'connell with the fractious this insider . >> they have been doing the overseas trips now back in the g7.

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it may not be now. with the wars in ukraine they are overshadowing the rhetoric about global leadership. with those look inflation immigration. only spoke about democracy. and they also helped win the war. and happening in the us election have the principles.

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>> there is a ten year bilateral peace and they had this and they said that feels a good treaty and something we should be approving here. it does not the same teeth. but that on ukraine and they feel like ukraine is actually winning the war and we'll put that up we get that in the meantime but they highlight that the foreign ten see that russia's winning with the 12 points by summer they think they're probably winning with the 14 points in the past six months and they open the president up to these arguments that's too little too late to often and what's happening in ukraine. >> looking at this what struck me as they had more allegiance to reagan on the policies.

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when they talk about the greater engagements so topically a change. i'll think president biden would have chosen it. these are the cars he has been dealt. they said this about china more than a half managed relationships with china. and those others thank they do so they have shifted since 22. they told the european officials and others he thinks the us is trying to goad him into attacking taiwan. >> i think it's important giving those given the reagan survey people stand with taiwan.

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they don't want china running over taiwan so the sentiment here is very clear in the us, not only in terms of president biden but the congressional delegations they have said explicitly taiwan is important to the united states. i think what you've seen is the creation of an alliance of the japanese and south koreans and even to australians. they will stay momentarily i think that's they were soaps are not talking to our military. i'll think it's a case we are weaker i think china, especially the economic problems right now is in a little bit of turmoil. >> shannon: you are the last interview he had with doug burgum. he could be joining the vpn he would have to deal with these issues if elected. president trump will say its not a huge deal that will not change boats or things and people would disagree mike pence maybe made a difference last time. they said this, his pic this

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year could be the most important choice of our time. with major implications with the american democracy as a whole. is is under or overstating it? being on the track to be a leader for 2028 knowing president trump only has one term if reelected. >> we've had a presidents that have died in office we had another next and he left office and i congratulate president trump for zeroing in on the most important qualification which is whoever he picks he has a great list is able to step into the roll. offer busily happened to him. i will also say i say this is a philosophical point, whoever it is, whoever trump's running mate is will be better qualified then the vice president harris who is an utter embarrassment to the office. >> her polling is not good i think that's fair to say. >> dose interesting watching this? i was thinking, ideally for four president trump nikki haley would be the one, why would i

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think that? one, he needs help with women given the abortion issue but also, to a percent of republicans have been voting even after he left. there's one woman remaining and that's the least of them the congresswoman i think they want a man opposite harris and the vice presidential debate. trump is focused and i think that's what he sees. i don't know if that will work for him but i think that's the thinking. >> kathleen parker had an interesting piece she thanks president biden should think about changing his vice presidential running mate and she writes this when i replace harrison with clinton at 76 hillary clinton, not built. she might not want any part of it but start to retire when you feel your job isn't done. it by needs to step down even those who didn't vote for clinton would have confidence in her ability to keep the country on track is just a thought but worse ideas have been -- have been met with success.

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>> that it that -- that's not going to happen. [ laughter ] it's not going to happen. the fact is we have no history of having elections depend very pretty much on who the running mate is. when americans vote on the top of the ticket who that is, that's why the general theory is to do no harm and this is one reason i would be betting because he is a candidate with a low risk choice for trump and that he did well in the interview with you he doesn't get flustered, he is reliable and he's from that key electoral states. >> right that might be about against him with all than their think the three electoral votes but, hey,, every vote in this election may count especially getting to the electoral college. i'm next we are waiting the biggest decisions in the supreme court term and on capitol hill they're making another run at trying to regulate the justices.

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sympathizer joined by his right-wing buddy clarence thomas. >> this election year and they're trying pretty much to do about nothing, i think these justices have long careers and extraordinary integrity and they prove this every day. >> blessin recent headlines with the democratic colleagues and they are playing politics as they await decisions on the presidential immunity and we are back now with the panel. jeff, this got us into some wrangling on a note -- a legislative effort for the justices and will this go anywhere? >> looking at the two-party system i would say to votes is not the democrats. the democrats may talk a lot about what's going on with the supreme court i don't think it would affect the election with the regulations and that would happen. >> i think when you see with

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that passing away. there was a whole different piece for people i don't think we'll have anything of that this time. we will talk about timing of the justices. writing in the wall street journal they say that there was something quite inhuman in what the left-wing activist did. date say that they falsely inflict damage and the contents was disseminated. >> is such a washing think -- washington thing to do and what i would connect this too is this is actually a poetical motivation with the private

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residences and members of the court with the conservatives were somewhere in the middle that's how this country should be. she had to get an dc is the one-party consent city. where you can record somebody else. and she thinks this is misplaced. here's what you said with the supreme court with some lies that they were told in order to elicit truths in the way she got the comments. she was acting as an activist but i'm not dismayed or brought

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up about her views. with the census supreme court is sitting about politics. we are through with that. with that in washington and that is looking forward and they say that will undermine the court and that happens in a real crisis and the ethics crisis at the supreme court is unacceptable and they want to

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know you're pushing legislation again to do summing about that. but even he said he wasn't comfortable with the way. and they came to capitol hill to get that credibility crisis. >> the flights he took. >> yes. it had to be added who his financial disclosure statement but looking forward i thank you look at this and you look at the cases that remain right now specifically most importantly the immunity case, what will they say? how can the market people say we trust what these two men are saying as impartial and adherent to the law and not to their political associations at the

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same thing with the guns issue that's coming up. it's about people who have been convicted of domestic violence if they are allowed to have guns well, look what happened on the abortion case now you'll give guns potentially? honey fish with one other thing. without bond stocks case it happen this week. you can basically have a machine gun that's used in mass murder. what is going on with this court! >> let me clarify couple things, they sit under the statutory language east oxidant qualifies machine gun and the congress wants to clarify that they can it's up to congress but not them to legislate and on the abortion pill case 190 they left alone in the axis that isn't that not give you confidence that these men and women can be impartial when it comes to tough issues? >> you know it was 90 i was very happy to see unanimous dissent. >> as you were on that one. >> but the case was about the standing. it didn't help us to have a better understanding of how does government have a role in a

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woman's right to have a choice of contraception or abortion. these people didn't have any standings. >> but if they weren't fair and honest can a couple these justices have said in a dissenter somewhere else to say we should have taken this case i did have standing. >> i'll think they left it open and now you have that hold the issue come back to the court under the trump presidency of trump doesn't take action himself. >> we do have a lot of cases left the presidential immunity one is a big one who thinks they have a prediction? >> another unanimous decision. that would be real justice. >> health again unanimous decision on that i think they will split the baby somewhere i don't know, sitting to the arguments it seems they are not going to give either side complete and total immunity for anything you could ever do in

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the presidency and know coverage whatsoever. >> one impact they've had already by the delay. >> with the prosecution most important case against president trump until now it seems unlikely could take place before. >> was supreme court standards it's pretty fast tracked as they move rather slowly over there. maybe we get this week thank you very much panel. for ross tilley prime minister scott morrison joined us to talk about his new book chronicling his time in office and how his faith guided him through very dark times .

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>> shannon: princess catherine making a welcome temporary return to public life this weekend and her first role appearance since christmas amid her fight against cancer. she paired with their children to support king charles in the shipping of the colour. the hundred 60-year-old official ceremony celebrates the monarchs birthday each summer no matter when there birthday falls on the calendar keep forgetting he's king now! former australian prime minister is that with the new book detailing the tough this challenging office. and plans for your good the prime interest test on any of faithfulness he gets real about

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seeking help for his mental health and how his faith steadied him then and it does now. that's her sunday special. >> you talk so openly and personally about your faith some people almost seem offended like they don't get it when you talk about praying and you talk to god especially for someone who's been a world leader, they can't make sense of how that could be your life! >> i think when you write a book when you are a former politician it's excited to be about politics and i did -- i didn't really want to do that because politics wasn't my life my faith is. guides want to share how god sustained me at this period of my life and not just then but throughout the course of my life and share some lessons from that. and share encouragement for those that had faith of their own and peaps add questions about it. that would be the result. >> you talk woodhouse stepping into things you aren't sure of rc impossible to you might become it -- like become the prime minister, because of your faith you felt led to go where

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god was calling you not that everything made sense would be easy. >> i describe it as it doesn't matter if your prime minister or journalist, you're in a small business your teacher, whatever. whatever walk of life we are in that i believe we are sustained. we are encouraged and it all these things with the challenges that come our way. your faith is personal. it's intended to be personal. then i think it's the real advantage, the real benefit and blessing of talking about in this way. >> any do you have to go back the deep dive of going back through reliving really difficult things and times, covid, dealing with china, all those things. >> i think a leader any walk of life in the country was the most challenging period they have faced since the second world war. and with the great depression when we had two prime ministers who died in office it was that serious. so this is a pretty challenging time when you are in the middle

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of it. you are very focused you solving problems and there's an adrenaline and momentum that takes you from one to the other. but once the music stops, and you sit down and start reflecting on this emotional impact on the other things at the time do wash over you and that's an important part of your affliction. >> also said you were under such stress and anxiety at one point that you worked with a doctor with medication on that. and i thought it was important to read what you said about this that you said what impact did you was the combination of physical exhaustion with the unrelenting and callous brutality of politics and media attacks as a politician i know this goes with the territory sonic accusation, it just reality. >> yes when we are going through all this getting to the final point, it was the pylon that

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would incur and politics have become very personal. it gets down to a personality fighting match and anything goes on that on that front. once upon a time they used to be guardrails for some civility in this with the social media age, i'm sure he struggles with it as a journalist, many journalist, yet the balance the clicks with the contents and the integrity challenges you have amongst that and it can be difficult for you guys as well. >> the way talk about this it felt so raw and brutal and i wonder if you think now that this kind of thing will keep good people or people of faith or wherever they are coming from from considering you know, serving their country in some way. >> i hope it doesn't but he had to be open about it, i think we'd talk with that life of service it does cost a lot but i don't regret it for a second, i

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had the opportunity to serve my country and do some incredible things on behalf of my country and i'm pleased with that opportunity, but in terms of working a pretty good brutal environment with those as we called them in australia, with managing health and physical health as important as managing their mental health. with very interesting and informative i hope people enjoy it. the podcast livin' the bream i sat down with fox news tracing the late father's force of duty there. with prizes then tears with those available on fox nation called vietnam footsteps of my

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father. and including that won the presidential immunity with talks immunity

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transit, the new enforcement program that starts today that will be issuing tickets to people who park illegally in bus lanes. and happy father's day to all the dads out there. we'll give you a rundown of the local events, festivals and special gatherings around the bay area to celebrate

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