LAMH Recap: LaTisha Says Cheating Accusations Don't Bother Her + Maurice Checks Marsau (2024)

LAMH Recap: LaTisha Says Cheating Accusations Don't Bother Her + Maurice Checks Marsau (1)

Marsau is refreshed after his solo trip to Africa.

Season four begins with LaTisha and Marsau Scott at dinner in Huntsville. Marsau just got back from a trip to the continent of Africa by himself. He apparently used the trip to clear his head.

LaTisha, later on, brings up how it was messy for him to post a photo of the infamous guys’ trip to Atlanta. Of course, LaTisha brings up the accusations made by Martell’s mistress. After the reunion aired, she accused Marsau and Maurice of cheating.

She says that cheating accusations about Marsau don’t really bother her. And she feels the woman just wants to be relevant.

Marsau tells LaTisha to stop discussing the situation because relevance is what she’s receiving.

Louis and Martell feel Marsau threw Maurice under a bus.

Later on, Martell stops by Louis’ gym for a workout. Going to the gym has been an outlet for Martell in light of everything that’s occurred.

Martell is upset that he can’t see his children as much as he could when he was married to Melody. Martell once again brings up his affair. He now refuses to accept the label of “the bad guy.” Next, Louis expresses his frustration with how the cast, except Martell and Melody, confronted him and Tiffany at the reunion. Louis then brings up how Marsau’s post broke man-code. Martell says Marsau threw his brother under the bus. And they both agree they don’t want to see Maurice’s marriage end over this.

Kimmi asks Maurice if he slept with the “linebacker.”

Speaking of Kimmi and Maurice, Kimmi’s at home with their new dog Zeus when Maurice and Monster come home. She brings up Marsau’s post and Maurice says Marsau was trying to be funny. He emphasizes he didn’t say that he wasn’t at the club that night.

They discuss the fact that Martell’s mistress alleged that she saw Maurice allegedly cheat with a woman who looked like a linebacker. Kimmi gets straight to the point and asks him if he cheated. Maurice says there is no truth to any of the accusations. And he didn’t cheat on Kimmi.

Regardless, both Kimmi and Maurice are upset that Marsau would be so careless to post something that caused so much drama.

Destiny and LaTisha discuss their issues with Melody.

Next, LaTisha visits Destiny at the studio. Destiny used to sing but put it on the back burner for other ventures. Interestingly enough, Destiny tells LaTisha she had to get on public assistance after her divorce. Despite all of this, Destiny found the motivation to sing once more. LaTisha asks if Melody knew about this and Destiny says no. In fact, Destiny says she hasn’t spoken to Melody in a while.

This leads Destiny to bring up how Melody listened in on a conversation Destiny had with LaTisha at their Los Angeles hotel. Melody later brought up the conversation at a brunch date after the reunion taping. And Destiny says that Melody called LaTisha her enemy. And she questioned why Destiny would talk to LaTisha about her when she knows they aren’t in a good place. LaTisha says Melody is just making something out of nothing.

Melody updates Kimmi on her fallout with Destiny.

Meanwhile, Melody meets with Kimmi at a restaurant to create charcuterie boards. She also uses the time to have Kimmi as a listening ear. They talk about Marsau’s post. Kimmi says she believes Maurice told her the truth. On the other hand, Melody says it’s important that a woman listens to her intuition.

Kimmi also says cheating that happens while dating is forgivable. However, she won’t accept cheating while married.

The ladies discuss Melody’s strained relationship with LaTisha. She hasn’t been feeling Destiny either because she said she overheard them discussing her while they were in LA. And verbatim, she heard LaTisha say, “Well, you know Mel is a Scorpio.” She later confronted Destiny about it and Destiny apologized for talking about her to LaTisha, someone she doesn’t have the best relationship with.

After everything that happened with Martell, Melody has no problem cutting off people she can’t trust. So she’s done with Destiny.

She also invites Kimmi to her upcoming slumber party. However, LaTisha and Destiny aren’t invited.

Kimmi and Maurice confront Marsau.

Meanwhile, LaTisha and Marsau are at a dinner hosted by Marsau’s brother Micah. Maurice and Kimmi will show up as Micah wants to bring his brothers together to discuss the messy social media post. During dinner, Kimmi asks Marsau directly what he was thinking to post that in the first place.

Marsau says he had no idea it would go left the way it did. Maurice and Kimmi question how he didn’t anticipate this.

Kimmi then brings up how what was said affected LaTisha also. Yet, LaTisha says she wasn’t hurt by the allegations, however, she was initially hurt by Melody saying the same thing. This is because she was friends with Melody.

Interestingly enough, Maurice runs out of patience with Marsau. He reminds Marsau that he doesn’t post anything in reference to the multiple accusations about him. And he could because he knows a lot about Marsau.

What are your thoughts about the episode?

LAMH Recap: LaTisha Says Cheating Accusations Don't Bother Her + Maurice Checks Marsau (2024)


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