List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (2024)

List of adjectives in English! Learn the useful list of common adjectives from A to Z to improve your vocabulary words with ESL printable infographic.

Anadjectiveis a word that describes a noun. Often, the adjective is before the noun it describes. Sometimes an adjective is not followed by a noun, for example:

  • There is atall woman.
  • This building is so high.
  • The joke she told was so notfunny.
  • This house is very nice.

1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners

List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (1)

Table of Contents

Common Adjectives in English

Positive Adjectives List

HappyShe was happy to see her friend after a long time.
JoyfulThe kids were joyful after winning the game.
CheerfulThe cheerful flowers brightened up the room.
PleasantThe breeze was pleasant on a hot summer day.
DelightfulThe dessert was delightful and tasted heavenly.
WonderfulThe vacation was wonderful and full of adventure.
FantasticThe performance was fantastic and left the audience in awe.
FabulousThe dress looked fabulous on her.
AmazingThe view from the top of the mountain was amazing.
GreatThe presentation was great and informative.
TerrificThe movie was terrific and had a great storyline.
ExcellentThe report was excellent and well-researched.
SuperbThe food at the restaurant was superb and delicious.
BrilliantThe idea was brilliant and innovative.
AwesomeThe concert was awesome and had amazing music.
OutstandingThe student’s performance was outstanding and impressive.
MagnificentThe palace was magnificent and had stunning architecture.
RemarkableThe achievements of the athlete were remarkable.
SplendidThe party was splendid and had great food and drinks.
GloriousThe sunrise was glorious and breathtaking.
PhenomenalThe book had a phenomenal plot and kept me hooked till the end.
SpectacularThe fireworks display was spectacular and lit up the night sky.
IncredibleThe magic trick was incredible and left the audience stunned.
BeautifulThe garden was beautiful and had colorful flowers.
GorgeousThe actress looked gorgeous in her gown.
LovelyThe weather was lovely and perfect for a picnic.
CharmingThe town was charming and had a cozy vibe.
AttractiveThe painting was attractive and had vibrant colors.
RadiantThe bride looked radiant on her wedding day.
EnchantingThe music was enchanting and had a calming effect.
MesmerizingThe dance performance was mesmerizing and graceful.
FascinatingThe museum had fascinating exhibits on ancient history.
IntriguingThe mystery novel was intriguing and kept me guessing till the end.
ExquisiteThe jewelry was exquisite and had intricate details.
DivineThe dessert tasted divine and was the highlight of the meal.
BlissfulThe vacation was blissful and relaxing.
SereneThe lake looked serene and peaceful.
TranquilThe garden was tranquil and had a calming effect.
CalmThe yoga session left me feeling calm and relaxed.
PeacefulThe protest was peaceful and had a positive impact.
RelaxedThe massage left me feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
RefreshedThe shower left me feeling refreshed and energized.
RenewedThe therapy session helped me feel renewed and empowered.
RejuvenatedThe spa treatment left me feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.
EnergizedThe workout left me feeling energized and motivated.
VitalizedThe vitamin supplement helped me feel vitalized and healthy.
DynamicThe company had a dynamic and innovative culture.
LivelyThe party was lively and had great music and dancing.
SpiritedThe team had a spirited performance and won the game.
VibrantThe painting had vibrant colors and looked lively.
ThrivingThe business was thriving and had a successful year.
FlourishingThe garden was flourishing and had healthy plants.
ProductiveThe team had a productive meeting and made progress.
CreativeThe artist had a creative approach to painting.
InnovativeThe company had innovative solutions for the problem.
InventiveThe inventor had an inventive idea for a new product.
ResourcefulThe team was resourceful and found a solution to the problem.
VersatileThe actor was versatile and played different roles with ease.

Negative Adjectives List

AngryHe got angry when he saw the mess in the kitchen.
ArrogantShe was so arrogant that she refused to listen to anyone else.
BitterHe had a bitter attitude towards life.
BossyShe was a bossy manager who micromanaged her team.
ColdHis response to her question was cold and dismissive.
CruelThe way he treated his employees was cruel and unfair.
CynicalShe had a cynical view of the world and its people.
DeceitfulHe was a deceitful salesman who lied to his customers.
DefiantShe was defiant and refused to obey the rules.
DepressedHe had been feeling depressed for weeks.
DishonestHis dishonest behavior led to his dismissal from the company.
DisrespectfulHer disrespectful attitude towards her boss got her fired.
DullThe lecture was so dull that half the audience fell asleep.
EnviousShe was envious of her colleague’s promotion.
GreedyHis greed for money caused him to cheat his clients.
HarshHis harsh criticism made her feel terrible.
HatefulHis hateful comments towards certain groups were offensive.
ImpatientHe was too impatient to wait for his turn.
InconsiderateHis inconsiderate behavior towards his girlfriend hurt her.
InsecureHer insecurity made her doubt herself constantly.
InsensitiveHis insensitive comments showed a lack of empathy.
JealousHer jealousy towards her sister’s success was evident.
LazyHe was too lazy to get out of bed before noon.
MaliciousHer malicious actions caused harm to others.
MoodyHer mood swings made it difficult to work with her.
NastyHis nasty personality made him unpopular with his coworkers.
NeedyHer constant need for attention was exhausting.
NegativeHis negative attitude was bringing down the whole team.
ObnoxiousHis obnoxious behavior was not welcome in the office.
PessimisticShe had a pessimistic outlook on life.
RudeHis rude comments offended everyone in the room.
SelfishHer selfish behavior caused problems in the relationship.
StubbornHe was too stubborn to consider other options.
StupidHis stupid mistake cost the company a lot of money.
SuspiciousHer suspicious behavior raised some red flags.
TactlessHis tactless comments hurt her feelings.
TempestuousHis tempestuous personality made it hard to predict his moods.
TerribleThe service at the restaurant was terrible.
UngratefulHer ungrateful attitude towards her parents upset them.
UnkindHis unkind words were hurtful to others.
UnpredictableHer unpredictable behavior made it hard to work with her.
UnreliableHis unreliability caused him to lose his job.
UntrustworthyHis untrustworthy behavior made him a liability.
ViciousHis vicious comments were meant to hurt
VulgarHis vulgar jokes made everyone uncomfortable.
WeakHe had a weak personality and couldn’t stand up for himself.
WickedHer wicked actions caused harm to others.
WithdrawnHe was so withdrawn that it was hard to get to know him.
WorthlessHis worthless advice led to a disastrous outcome.
WrathfulHer wrathful outburst scared everyone in the room.
Related 600+ Popular Words that Start with J in English | J Words List

Appearance Adjectives List

BeautifulShe has beautiful hair.
HandsomeHe is a handsome man.
PrettyThe flowers are pretty.
CuteThe puppy is so cute.
GorgeousShe is wearing a gorgeous dress.
StunningThe sunset was stunning.
StrikingHer eyes are striking.
AttractiveHe is an attractive person.
RadiantThe bride looked radiant.
LovelyShe has a lovely smile.
CharmingThe restaurant had a charming atmosphere.
ElegantShe has an elegant posture.
FashionableHe is always wearing fashionable clothes.
TrendyShe is wearing a trendy outfit.
StylishHis haircut is very stylish.
SophisticatedShe has sophisticated taste in art.
ClassyThe event was very classy.
DashingHe has a dashing personality.
SuaveHis suave demeanor impressed the guests.
DapperHe always looks so dapper in a suit.
SharpHis sharp wit made us laugh.
RuggedHe has a rugged look about him.
MasculineHe has a masculine physique.
FeminineShe has a feminine style.
DelicateThe lace on her dress was delicate.
GraciousShe is a gracious host.
ExquisiteThe art exhibit had exquisite paintings.
AlluringHer perfume was alluring.
MagneticHe has a magnetic personality.
CaptivatingThe movie was captivating.
EnchantingThe garden was enchanting.
BewitchingThe witch had a bewitching smile.
MesmerizingThe dancer was mesmerizing.
HypnoticThe music was hypnotic.
MysteriousThe stranger had a mysterious aura.
IntriguingThe book had an intriguing plot.

Color Adjectives List

RedThe roses were a deep shade of red.
OrangeThe sun set behind the orange trees.
YellowThe canary’s feathers were bright yellow.
GreenThe grass was a lush shade of green.
BlueThe ocean was a deep shade of blue.
PurpleThe velvet curtains were a rich shade of purple.
PinkThe baby’s room was painted a soft shade of pink.
BlackThe cat blended into the dark black night.
WhiteThe snow was pure white and untouched.
GreyThe sky was a dull shade of grey.
BrownThe chocolate cake was a rich shade of brown.
GoldenThe trophy gleamed with a golden shine.
SilverThe moon was shining with a silver light.
BronzeThe statue was cast in a shiny bronze material.
TurquoiseThe waters of the Caribbean were a bright turquoise blue.
MagentaThe flowers in the garden were a vibrant magenta.
LavenderThe lavender fields smelled sweet and fragrant.
IndigoThe starry sky was a deep shade of indigo.
CrimsonThe leaves turned a beautiful shade of crimson in the fall.
RustThe old car had a rusted exterior.

Condition Adjectives List

NewShe bought a new car.
OldMy grandma has an old house.
CleanThe kitchen is clean.
DirtyDon’t touch that, it’s dirty.
WetI got wet in the rain.
DryThe desert is dry.
BrokenThe vase is broken.
IntactThe package arrived intact.
HealthyShe eats healthy food.
SickHe’s sick and can’t come to work.
StrongThe athlete is very strong.
WeakMy arms feel weak after lifting weights.
OpenThe window is open.
ClosedThe door is closed.
SmoothThe surface is smooth to the touch.
RoughThe surface is rough and bumpy.
SoftThe pillow is soft and fluffy.
HardThe rock is hard and heavy.
ComfortableThe chair is very comfortable.
UncomfortableThe bed is uncomfortable and lumpy.
SafeThe neighborhood is safe.
DangerousThe bridge is dangerous to cross.
BrightThe sun is bright in the sky.
DarkThe room is dark without any light.
QuietThe library is quiet.
NoisyThe construction site is noisy.
TiredI’m tired after a long day at work.
RefreshedI feel refreshed after a good night’s sleep.
EmptyThe room is empty with no furniture.
FullThe glass is full of water.

Shape Adjectives List

CircularThe wheels on the bike are circular.
SquareThe room is shaped like a square.
RectangularThe table is rectangular in shape.
TriangularThe roof of the house is triangular.
SphericalThe ball is perfectly spherical.
OvalThe mirror on the wall is oval-shaped.
CylindricalThe column was cylindrical in shape.
ConicalThe tower had a conical roof.
HexagonalThe honeycomb has hexagonal cells.
Diamond-shapedThe kite was diamond-shaped.
Star-shapedThe flower has a star-shaped pattern.
Pentagon-shapedThe sign has a pentagon-shaped outline.
OctagonalThe stop sign is octagonal in shape.
Crescent-shapedThe moon appears crescent-shaped.
Heart-shapedThe candy is heart-shaped.
Arrow-shapedThe signpost has an arrow-shaped pointer.
TrapezoidalThe prism has a trapezoidal base.
CurvedThe road has a curved path.
AngledThe building has an angled roof.
StraightThe pole is straight and tall.
Related 600 Adjectives That Start with L with Useful Meanings

Size Adjectives List

CircularThe wheels on the bike are circular.
SquareThe room is shaped like a square.
RectangularThe table is rectangular in shape.
TriangularThe roof of the house is triangular.
SphericalThe ball is perfectly spherical.
OvalThe mirror on the wall is oval-shaped.
CylindricalThe column was cylindrical in shape.
ConicalThe tower had a conical roof.
HexagonalThe honeycomb has hexagonal cells.
Diamond-shapedThe kite was diamond-shaped.
Star-shapedThe flower has a star-shaped pattern.
Pentagon-shapedThe sign has a pentagon-shaped outline.
OctagonalThe stop sign is octagonal in shape.
Crescent-shapedThe moon appears crescent-shaped.
Heart-shapedThe candy is heart-shaped.
Arrow-shapedThe signpost has an arrow-shaped pointer.
TrapezoidalThe prism has a trapezoidal base.
CurvedThe road has a curved path.
AngledThe building has an angled roof.
StraightThe pole is straight and tall.

Taste Adjectives List

SweetThe cake was sweet and delicious.
SourThe lemon was too sour for me to eat on its own.
SaltyThe popcorn had just the right amount of salt.
BitterThe coffee was bitter, but I still drank it.
UmamiThe miso soup had a rich, umami flavor.
SpicyThe chili was too spicy for me to handle.
SavoryThe roast chicken had a savory aroma.
TangyThe vinaigrette had a tangy, citrusy flavor.
TartThe apple was tart and crisp.
RichThe chocolate was rich and decadent.
CreamyThe ice cream was creamy and smooth.
ZestyThe salsa had a zesty kick to it.
PepperyThe steak had a peppery seasoning on it.
HerbalThe tea had a herbal, earthy taste.
CitrusyThe lemonade was tart and citrusy.
RobustThe red wine had a robust flavor.
MildThe cheese had a mild, nutty taste.
SharpThe cheddar cheese had a sharp flavor.
SmokyThe bacon had a smoky aroma and flavor.
EarthyThe mushrooms had an earthy, woodsy taste.
NuttyThe almond had a nutty flavor.
FruityThe smoothie was fruity and refreshing.
ButteryThe croissant was flaky and buttery.
RefreshingThe cucumber water was refreshing on a hot day.
JuicyThe peach was juicy and sweet.

Sound Adjectives List

LoudThe music was so loud, it made my ears hurt.
SoftShe spoke to him in a soft voice.
NoisyThe construction site was very noisy.
QuietThe library was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
ShrillThe sound of the alarm was very shrill.
MellifluousThe singer’s voice was mellifluous and soothing.
JarringThe sudden noise was jarring and unexpected.
HarmoniousThe orchestra played a harmonious melody.
MuffledHis voice was muffled by the scarf he was wearing.
BoomingThe fireworks made a booming sound.
GratingThe sound of the chalkboard was grating on my nerves.
ResonantThe sound of the bell was resonant and deep.
RaucousThe party was so raucous, it woke up the neighbors.
ClamorousThe protest was clamorous and loud.
HushedThe audience was hushed as the play began.
ScreechingThe sound of the car’s brakes screeching was deafening.
SibilantThe snake made a sibilant sound as it slithered away.
EuphoniousThe choir’s performance was euphonious and beautiful.
DiscordantThe musicians played a discordant tune.
ThunderousThe thunderous applause lasted for several minutes.
FaintI could hear a faint whisper in the distance.
ClearThe sound of the bell was clear and distinct.
MellowThe saxophone player had a mellow tone.
TinnyThe speakers made a tinny sound.
WhiningThe child was whining about not getting a toy.
RhythmicThe drums played a rhythmic beat.
MonotonousThe lecture was monotonous and boring.
CacophonousThe traffic was cacophonous and chaotic.
BlaringThe sirens were blaring as the ambulance rushed by.
StridentThe sound of the violin was strident and unpleasant.

Complete List of Adjectives (A-Z)

Below you will find the largest list of adjectives from A to Z you are likely to find anywhere.

Adjectives that Start with A

Here is the list of adjectives that start with letter A:

  • aback
  • abaft
  • abandoned
  • abashed
  • aberrant
  • abhorrent
  • abiding
  • abject
  • ablaze
  • able
  • abnormal
  • aboard
  • aboriginal
  • abortive
  • abounding
  • abrasive
  • abrupt
  • absent
  • absorbed
  • absorbing
  • abstracted
  • absurd
  • abundant
  • abusive
  • acceptable
  • accessible
  • accidental
  • accurate
  • acid
  • acidic
  • acoustic
  • acrid
  • actually
  • adamant
  • adorable
  • adventurous
  • aggressive
  • agitated
  • alert
  • aloof
  • amiable
  • amused
  • annoyed
  • antsy
  • anxious
  • appalling
  • appetizing
  • apprehensive
  • arrogant
  • ashamed
  • astonishing
  • attractive
  • average

Adjectives that Start with B

Here is the list of adjectives that start with the letter B:

  • bad
  • barbarous
  • bashful
  • batty
  • bawdy
  • beautiful
  • beefy
  • befitting
  • belligerent
  • beneficial
  • bent
  • berserk
  • best
  • better
  • bewildered
  • big
  • billowy
  • bite-sized
  • biting
  • bitter
  • bizarre
  • black
  • black-and-white
  • bland
  • bloody
  • blue
  • blue-eyed
  • blushing
  • boiling
  • boorish
  • bored
  • boring
  • bouncy
  • boundless
  • brainy
  • brash
  • brave
  • brawny
  • breakable
  • breezy
  • brief
  • bright
  • broad
  • broken
  • brown
  • bulky
  • bumpy
  • burly
  • bustling
  • busy

Adjectives that Start with C

  • cagey
  • calculating
  • callous
  • calm
  • capable
  • capricious
  • careful
  • careless
  • caring
  • cautious
  • ceaseless
  • certain
  • changeable
  • charming
  • cheap
  • cheeky
  • cheerful
  • chemical
  • chief
  • childlike
  • chilly
  • chivalrous
  • chubby
  • chunky
  • clammy
  • classy
  • clean
  • clear
  • clever
  • cloistered
  • closed
  • cloudy
  • clueless
  • clumsy
  • cluttered
  • coherent
  • cold
  • colorful
  • colossal
  • combative
  • comfortable
  • common
  • complete
  • complex
  • concerned
  • condemned
  • condescending
  • confused
  • conscious
  • contemplative
  • convincing
  • convoluted
  • cooing
  • cool
  • cooperative
  • coordinated
  • corny
  • costly
  • courageous
  • cowardly
  • crabby
  • craven
  • crazy
  • creepy
  • crooked
  • cruel
  • cuddly
  • cultured
  • cumbersome
  • curious
  • curly
  • curved
  • curvy
  • cut
  • cynical

List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (2)

Adjectives that Start with D

  • daffy
  • daily
  • damaged
  • damaging
  • damp
  • dangerous
  • dapper
  • dark
  • dashing
  • dazzling
  • dead
  • deadpan
  • deafening
  • dear
  • debonair
  • decayed
  • deceitful
  • decisive
  • decorous
  • deep
  • deeply
  • defeated
  • defective
  • defiant
  • delicate
  • delicious
  • delightful
  • delirious
  • demonic
  • dependent
  • depraved
  • depressed
  • deranged
  • descriptive
  • deserted
  • despicable
  • detailed
  • determined
  • devilish
  • dilapidated
  • diminutive
  • disgusted
  • distinct
  • distraught
  • distressed
  • disturbed
  • dizzy
  • drab
  • drained
  • dull

Adjectives that Start with E

  • eager
  • early
  • earsplitting
  • earthy
  • easy
  • eatable
  • economic
  • ecstatic
  • educated
  • efficacious
  • efficient
  • eight
  • elastic
  • elated
  • elderly
  • electric
  • elegant
  • elfin
  • elite
  • emaciated
  • embarrassed
  • eminent
  • empty
  • enchanted
  • enchanting
  • encouraging
  • endurable
  • energetic
  • enormous
  • entertaining
  • enthusiastic
  • envious
  • equable
  • equal
  • erect
  • erratic
  • ethereal
  • exasperated
  • excited
  • exhilarated
  • extensive
  • exuberant

Adjectives that Start with F

  • fabulous
  • faded
  • faint
  • fair
  • faithful
  • fallacious
  • false
  • familiar
  • famous
  • fanatical
  • fancy
  • fantastic
  • far
  • far-flung
  • fascinated
  • fast
  • fat
  • faulty
  • fearful
  • fearless
  • feeble
  • feigned
  • female
  • fertile
  • festive
  • few
  • fierce
  • fierce
  • filthy
  • flat
  • floppy
  • fluttering
  • foolish
  • frantic
  • fresh
  • friendly
  • frightened
  • frothy
  • frustrating
  • funny
  • fuzzy
Related Possessive Adjectives | Definition and Usage | Useful Examples

Adjectives that Start with G

  • gabby
  • gainful
  • gamy
  • gaping
  • garrulous
  • gaudy
  • general
  • gentle
  • ghastly
  • giant
  • giddy
  • gifted
  • gigantic
  • glamorous
  • gleaming
  • glib
  • glistening
  • glorious
  • glossy
  • godly
  • good
  • goofy
  • gorgeous
  • graceful
  • grandiose
  • grateful
  • gratis
  • gray
  • greasy
  • grieving
  • gritty
  • grotesque
  • grubby
  • grumpy

Adjectives that Start with H

  • habitual
  • half
  • hallowed
  • halting
  • handsome
  • handsomely
  • handy
  • hanging
  • hapless
  • happy
  • hard
  • hard-to-find
  • harebrained
  • harmonious
  • harsh
  • hateful
  • heady
  • healthy
  • heartbreaking
  • heavenly
  • heavy
  • hellish
  • helpful
  • helpless
  • hesitant
  • hideous
  • high
  • highfalutin
  • high-pitched
  • hilarious
  • hissing
  • historical
  • holistic
  • hollow
  • homeless
  • homely
  • honorable
  • horrible
  • horrific
  • hospitable
  • hot
  • huge
  • hulking
  • humdrum
  • humorous
  • hungry
  • hurried
  • hurt
  • hushed
  • husky
  • hypnotic
  • hysterical

Adjectives that Start with I

  • icky
  • icy
  • ideal
  • idiotic
  • ignorant
  • ill
  • illegal
  • ill-fated
  • ill-informed
  • illustrious
  • imaginary
  • immense
  • imminent
  • impartial
  • imperfect
  • impolite
  • important
  • imported
  • impossible
  • impressionable
  • incandescent
  • incompetent
  • inconclusive
  • incredible
  • industrious
  • inexpensive
  • infamous
  • innate
  • innocent
  • inquisitive
  • insidious
  • instinctive
  • intelligent
  • interesting
  • internal
  • intrigued
  • invincible
  • irate
  • irritable
  • irritating
  • itchy

Adjectives that Start with J

  • jaded
  • jagged
  • jazzy
  • jealous
  • jittery
  • jobless
  • jolly
  • joyous
  • judicious
  • juicy
  • jumbled
  • jumpy
  • juvenile

Adjectives that Start with K

  • kaput
  • keen
  • kind
  • kindhearted
  • kindly
  • knotty
  • knowing
  • known

Adjectives that Start with L

  • labored
  • lackadaisical
  • lacking
  • lame
  • lamentable
  • languid
  • large
  • last
  • late
  • laughable
  • lavish
  • lazy
  • lean
  • learned
  • left
  • legal
  • lethal
  • level
  • lewd
  • light
  • like
  • likeable
  • limping
  • literate
  • little
  • lively
  • livid
  • living
  • lonely
  • long
  • longing
  • long-term
  • loose
  • lopsided
  • loud
  • loutish
  • lovely
  • loving
  • low
  • lowly
  • lucky
  • ludicrous
  • lumpy
  • lush
  • luxuriant
  • lying
  • lyrical

Adjectives that Start with M

  • macabre
  • macho
  • maddening
  • madly
  • magenta
  • magical
  • magnificent
  • majestic
  • makeshift
  • male
  • malicious
  • mammoth
  • maniacal
  • many
  • marked
  • married
  • marvelous
  • massive
  • material
  • materialistic
  • mature
  • mean
  • measly
  • meaty
  • medical
  • meek
  • melancholy
  • mellow
  • melodic
  • melted
  • merciful
  • mere
  • messy
  • mighty
  • military
  • milky
  • mindless
  • miniature
  • minor
  • minute
  • miscreant
  • mistaken
  • misty
  • mixed
  • moaning
  • modern
  • moldy
  • momentous
  • moody
  • mortified
  • motionless
  • mountainous
  • muddled
  • muddy
  • mundane
  • murky
  • mushy
  • mute
  • mysterious

Adjectives that Start with N

  • naive
  • nappy
  • narrow
  • nasty
  • natural
  • naughty
  • nauseating
  • near
  • neat
  • nebulous
  • necessary
  • needless
  • needy
  • neighborly
  • nervous
  • new
  • next
  • nice
  • nifty
  • nimble
  • nine
  • nippy
  • noiseless
  • noisy
  • nonchalant
  • nondescript
  • nonsensical
  • nonstop
  • normal
  • nostalgic
  • nosy
  • noxious
  • null
  • numberless
  • numerous
  • nutritious
  • nutty

Adjectives that Start with O

  • oafish
  • obedient
  • obeisant
  • obese
  • obnoxious
  • obscene
  • obsequious
  • observant
  • obsolete
  • obtainable
  • oceanic
  • odd
  • offbeat
  • old
  • old-fashioned
  • omniscient
  • one
  • onerous
  • open
  • opposite
  • optimal
  • orange
  • ordinary
  • organic
  • ossified
  • outgoing
  • outrageous
  • outstanding

Adjectives that Start with P

  • painful
  • painstaking
  • pale
  • paltry
  • panicky
  • panoramic
  • parallel
  • parched
  • parsimonious
  • past
  • pastoral
  • pathetic
  • peaceful
  • penitent
  • perfect
  • periodic
  • permissible
  • perpetual
  • petite
  • precious
  • prickly
  • proud
  • pungent
  • puny

Adjectives that Start with Q

  • quack
  • quaint
  • quarrelsome
  • questionable
  • quick
  • quickest
  • quiet
  • quirky
  • quixotic
  • quizzical

Adjectives that Start with R

  • rabid
  • racial
  • ragged
  • rainy
  • rambunctious
  • rampant
  • rapid
  • rare
  • raspy
  • ratty
  • ready
  • real
  • reassured
  • rebel
  • receptive
  • recondite
  • red
  • redundant
  • reflective
  • regular
  • relieved
  • repulsive
  • responsive
  • ripe
  • robust
  • rotten
  • rotund
  • rough
  • round

Adjectives that Start with S

  • sable
  • sad
  • safe
  • salty
  • same
  • sarcastic
  • sassy
  • satisfying
  • savory
  • scandalous
  • scant
  • scarce
  • scared
  • scary
  • scattered
  • scientific
  • scintillating
  • scrawny
  • screeching
  • second
  • second-hand
  • selfish
  • shaggy
  • shaky
  • shallow
  • sharp
  • shiny
  • short
  • silky
  • silly
  • skinny
  • slimy
  • slippery
  • small
  • smarmy
  • smiling
  • smoggy
  • smooth
  • smug
  • soggy
  • solid
  • sore
  • sour
  • sparkling
  • spicy
  • splendid
  • spotless
  • square
  • stale
  • steady
  • steep
  • sticky
  • stormy
  • stout
  • straight
  • strange
  • strong
  • stunning
  • substantial
  • successful
  • succulent
  • superficial
  • superior
  • swanky
  • sweet

Adjectives that Start with T

  • taboo
  • tacit
  • tacky
  • talented
  • tall
  • tame
  • tan
  • tangible
  • tangy
  • tart
  • tasteful
  • tasteless
  • tasty
  • tawdry
  • tearful
  • tedious
  • teeny
  • teeny-tiny
  • telling
  • tender
  • tense
  • terrible
  • testy
  • thankful
  • thick
  • thoughtful
  • thoughtless
  • tight
  • timely
  • tricky
  • trite
  • troubled
  • twitterpated

List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (3)

Adjectives that Start with U

Here is the list of adjectives that start with the letter U:

  • ubiquitous
  • ugliest
  • ugly
  • ultra
  • unable
  • unaccountable
  • unadvised
  • unarmed
  • unbecoming
  • unbiased
  • uncovered
  • understood
  • undesirable
  • unequal
  • unequaled
  • uneven
  • unhealthy
  • uninterested
  • unique
  • unkempt
  • unknown
  • unnatural
  • unruly
  • unsightly
  • unsuitable
  • untidy
  • unused
  • unusual
  • unwieldy
  • unwritten
  • upbeat
  • uppity
  • upset
  • uptight
  • used
  • useful
  • useless
  • utopian
  • utter
  • uttermost

Adjectives that Start with V

  • vacuous
  • vagabond
  • vague
  • valuable
  • various
  • vast
  • vengeful
  • venomous
  • verdant
  • versed
  • vexed
  • victorious
  • vigorous
  • violent
  • violet
  • virtuous
  • vivacious
  • vivid
  • voiceless
  • volatile
  • voracious
  • vulgar

Adjectives that Start with W

  • wacky
  • waggish
  • waiting
  • wakeful
  • wandering
  • warlike
  • warm
  • wary
  • wasteful
  • watery
  • weak
  • wealthy
  • weary
  • well-groomed
  • well-made
  • well-off
  • well-to-do
  • wet
  • whimsical
  • whispering
  • white
  • whole
  • whopping
  • wicked
  • wide
  • wide-eyed
  • wiggly
  • wild
  • willing
  • windy
  • wiry
  • wise
  • wistful
  • witty
  • wobbly
  • woebegone
  • womanly
  • wonderful
  • woozy
  • workable
  • worried
  • worthless
  • wrathful
  • wretched
  • wrong
  • wry

Adjectives that Start with Y

  • yellow
  • yielding
  • young
  • youthful
  • yummy

Adjectives that Start with Z

Adjectives Exercises

Exercise 1: Identify the Adjectives

Identify the adjectives in the following sentences:

  1. The red apple is delicious.
  2. She wore a beautiful dress to the party.
  3. His new car is fast.
  4. The lazy cat slept all day.
  5. The tall building was visible from far away.


  1. red
  2. beautiful
  3. new
  4. lazy
  5. tall

Exercise 2: Using Adjectives to Describe Nouns

Complete the following sentences with appropriate adjectives to describe the nouns:

  1. The _____ dog barked all night. (noisy)
  2. The _____ sky was breathtakingly beautiful. (clear)
  3. My _____ sister is a talented musician. (musical)
  4. The _____ cake was too sweet for my taste. (sugary)
  5. The _____ book was a bestseller. (popular)


  1. noisy
  2. clear
  3. musical
  4. sugary
  5. popular

Exercise 3: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Complete the following sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets:

  1. This is the _____ (heavy) box I have ever lifted. (heaviest)
  2. The weather today is _____ (hot) than yesterday. (hotter)
  3. She is _____ (intelligent) than her sister. (more intelligent)
  4. This is the _____ (interesting) book I have read in a long time. (most interesting)
  5. He is _____ (tall) than his brother. (taller)


  1. heaviest
  2. hotter
  3. more intelligent
  4. most interesting
  5. taller

Exercise 4: Order of Adjectives

Put the following adjectives in the correct order to describe the noun:

  1. The _____ (new, blue, leather) sofa was very comfortable. (new, blue, leather)
  2. He wore a _____ (striped, cotton, white) shirt. (white, striped, cotton)
  3. She bought a _____ (big, red, Italian) sports car. (Italian, red, big)


  1. new, blue, leather
  2. white, striped, cotton
  3. Italian, red, big

Common Adjective List | Infographic

Learn the useful list of adjectives with ESL pictures.

List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (4)

List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (5)

List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (6)

List of Adjectives: 1000+ Adjectives from A to Z for ESL Learners - English Study Online (7)Useful list of adjectives in English | Image

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  • Adjectives that Start with G
  • Adjectives that Start with H
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  • Adjectives that Start with L
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  • Adjectives that Start with P
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.