Pandahut Network Forums (2024)

/buy Usage Example:
Items: /buy 369 purchases a Metal Floor.
Vehicles: /buy v.2 purchases a Blue Offroader.
If you don't know the ID of the item, you can also type /buy "metal floor" (with the quotation marks - " ").
If you don't know the ID of the vehicle, you can also type /buy v."blue offroader" (with the quotation marks - " ").

Chart – 1175
GPS – 1176

4 – Eaglefire (ammo 6,17)
18 – Timberwolf (ammo 20)
97 – Colt (ammo 98)
99 – Cobra (ammo 100,1006)
101 – Schofield (ammo 103)
107 – Ace (ammo 108)
109 – Hawkhound (ammo 111)
112 – Bluntforce (ammo 113)
116 – Honeybadger (ammo 6,17)
122 – Zubeknakov (ammo 123,125)
126 – Nykorev (ammo 127)
129 – Snayperskya (ammo 130)
132 – Dragonfang (ammo 133)
297 – Grizzly (ammo 298)
300 – Shadowstalker (ammo 301)
346 – Crossbow (ammo 347,348,351,352)
353 – Maple Bow (ammo 347,348,351,352)
355 – Birch Bow (ammo 347,348,351,352)
356 – Pine Bow (ammo 347,348,351,352)
357 – Compound Bow (ammo 347,348,351,352)
363 – Maplestrike (ammo 6,17)
380 – Masterkey (ammo 381)
474 – Maple Rifle (ammo 478)
479 – Birch Rifle (ammo 478)
480 – Pine Rifle (ammo 478)
484 – Sportshot (ammo 485)
488 – Desert Falcon (ammo 489)
519 – Rocket Launcher (ammo 520)
1000 – Matamorez (ammo 1003,1005)
1018 – Sabertooth (ammo 1020)
1021 – Avenger (ammo 1022)
1024 – Peacemaker (ammo 1026)
1027 – Viper (ammo 1029)
1037 – Heartbreaker (ammo 6,1)
1039 – Kryzkarek (ammo 1040)
1041 – Yuri (ammo 1042)
1143 – Sawed-Off (ammo 381)
1165 – Nailgun (ammo 1166)
1337 – Paintball (ammo 1339,1340,1341,1342,1343,1344)
1360 – Teklowvka (ammo 1361)
1364 – Hell’s Fury (ammo 1365)
1366 – Vonya (ammo 1368)
1369 – Bulldog (ammo 1371)
1379 – Calling Card (ammo 1381)
1362 – Augewehr (ammo 123,125,6,17)
1375 – Fusilaut (ammo 123,125,6,17)
1377 – Nightraider (ammo 123,125,6,17)
1382 – Ekho (ammo 1384)
1436 – quadbarrel (ammo 1437)
1441 – Shadow Stalker MK || (ammo 1443)
1447 – Scalar (ammo 1449)
1476 – Luger (ammo 1487)
1477 – MP40 (ammo 1479)
1480 – Determinator (ammo 113)
1481 – Empire (ammo 1483)
1484 – Devil`s bane (ammo 1485)
1488 – Swissgewehr (ammo 1490)

7 – Military Suppressor (durability – 25 shoots)
8 – Vertical Grip – Reduce vertical recoil
21 – 8x Scope
22 – Cross Scope
117 – Honeybadger Suppressor – Infinite suppresor
143 – Bipod
144 – Ranger Suppressor (durability – 50 shoots)
145 – Horizontal Grip – Reduce horizontal recoil
146 – Dot sight
147 – Halo Sight
148 – Chevron Scope
149 – Military Barrel – Reduce spread on 50%
150 – Military Muzzle – Reduce recoil on 50% (durability – 50 shoots)
151 – Tactical Laser – Reduce spread on 33%
152 – Tactical Light
153 – 7x Scope
296 – 16x scope
350 – Crossbow Suppressor – Infinite suppresor
476 – Makeshift Scope
477 – Makeshift Muffler
1002 – Matamorez Suppressor – Infinite suppresor
1004 – Kobra Sight
1007 – Adaptative chambering – Increase firerate on 33%
1008 – Rangefinder
1190 – Ranger Muzzle – Reduce recoil on 50% (durability – 100 shoots)
1191 – Ranger Barrel – Reduce spread on 50%
1201 – Military Nightvision Scope – Scope with NVG
1363 – 4x scope augewehr
1438 – Tactical bayonet
1444 – Shotgun muffler – Infinite suppresor

6 – Military Magazine
17 – Military Drum
20 – Timberwolf Magazine
43 – Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate
44 – Low Caliber Civilian Ammunition Box
98 – Colt Magazine
100 – Cobra Magazine
103 – Schofield Magazine
108 – Ace Clip
111 – Hawkhound Magazine
113 – 12 Gauge Shells
119 – Low Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box
123 – Ranger Magazine
125 – Ranger Drum
127 – Nykorev Box
130 – Snayperskya Magazine
133 – Dragonfang Box
298 – Grizzly Magazine
301 – Rail
347 – Arrow
348 – Maple Arrow
351 – Birch Arrow
352 – Pine Arrow
381 – 20 Gauge Shells
478 – Rifle Clip
485 – Sportshot Magazine
489 – Desert Falcon Magazine
520 – Rocket
1003 – Matamorez Magazine
1005 – Matamorez Box
1006 – Cobra Box
1020 – Sabertooth Magazine
1022 – Avenger Magazine
1026 – Peacemaker Magazine
1029 – Viper Magazine
1040 – Kryzkarek Magazine
1042 – Yuri Magazine
1166 – Nailgun Magazine
1177 – Military Tracer Magazine
1192 – High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate
1193 – High Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box
1200 – Military Fragmentation Magazine
1209 – Explosive Arrow
1302 – Missile
1339 – Blue Paintball Hopper
1340 – Green Paintball Hopper
1341 – Orange Paintball Hopper
1342 – Purple Paintball Hopper
1343 – Red Paintball Hopper
1344 – Yellow Paintball Hopper
1361 – Teklowvka Magazine
1365 – Hell’s Fury Drum
1368 – Vonya Magazine
1371 – Bulldog Magazine
1381 – Calling Card Drum
1384 – Ekho Magazine
1395 – HMG Box
1443 – Shadowstalker Mk. II Drum
1449 – Scalar Magazine
1479 – Maschinengewehr Magazine
1483 – Empire Magazine
1485 – Devil’s Bane Magazine
1487 – Luger Magazine
1490 – Swissgewehr Magazine

Melee weapons
16 – Camp Axe
76 – Blowtorch
104 – Fire Axe
105 – Baseball Bat
106 – Hockey Stick
120 – Kitchen Knife
121 – Military Knife
135 – Golf Club
136 – Sledgehammer
137 – Butcher Knife
138 – Hammer
139 – Swiss Knife
140 – Butterfly Knife
141 – Saw
142 – Rake
276 – Flashlight
487 – Makeshift Bat
490 – Chainsaw
1023 – Police Baton
1030 – Frying Pan
1031 – Shovel
1032 – Crowbar
1033 – Paddle
1034 – Pitchfork
1035 – Machete
1036 – Katana
1174 – Scythe
1198 – Pickaxe
1390 – Pool cue
2020 – Shark Tooth-sword
2014 – Obsidian Axe
2015 – Obsidian Club

254 – Grenade
255 – Blue Flare
256 – Green Flare
257 – Orange Flare
258 – Purple Flare
259 – Red Flare
260 – Yellow Flare
261 – Black smoke grenade
262 – Blue smoke grenade
263 – Green smoke grenade
264 – Orange smoke grenade
265 – Purple smoke grenade
266 – Red smoke grenade
267 – White smoke grenade
268 – Yellow smoke grenade
1100 – Sticky grenade
1101 – Landmine
1102 – Claymore
1132 – Snowball
1240 – Detanator
1241 – Demolition charge (C4)
1242 – Makeshift grenade
1346 – Flashbang
1393 – Presicion charge
1520 – Impact grenade

Tools and other
16 – Camp Axe*
28 – Gas
104 – Fire Axe*
76 – Blowtorch*
141 – Saw*
138 – Hammer*
276 – Flashlight*
277 – Carjack
332 – Fertilizer
333 – Binoculars
490 – Chainsaw*
503 – Fishing rod
506 – Birch rod
507 – Maple rod
508 – Pine rod
1114 – Maple can
1115 – Pine can
1116 – Birch can
1195 – Handcuffs
1196 – Handcuffs Key
1197 – Cable Tie
1198 – Pickaxe*
1440 – Industrial can
1475 – Jack Hammer*
1507 – Socketwrench
1508 – Compass

15 – Medkit
95 – Bandage
96 – Splint
269 – Vaccine
387 – Adrenaline
388 – Morphine
389 – Antibiotics
390 – Painkillers
391 – Vitamins
392 – Tablets
393 – Rag
394 – Dressing
395 – Bloodbag
403 – Suturekit
404 – Cough Syrup
1129 – Heatstim (Warms for a while)

Sleeping bag
288 – Black sleeping bag
289 – Blue sleeping bag
290 – Green sleeping bag
291 – Orange sleeping bag
292 – Purple sleeping bag
293 – Red sleeping bag
294 – White sleeping bag
295 – Yellow sleeping bag

Hats on head
27 – Top Hat
192 – Black Toque
193 – Blue Toque
194 – Green Toque
195 – Orange Toque
196 – Purple Toque
197 – Red Toque
198 – White Toque
199 – Yellow Toque
225 – Police Cap
237 – Ghillie Hood
239 – Chef Hat
240 – Construction Helmet
241 – Firefighter Helmet
244 – Farmer Hat
278 – Santa hat
309 – Forest Military Helmet (Canada)
313 – RCMP Hat
423 – Engineer Hat
424 – Fedora
425 – Black Cap
426 – Blue Cap
427 – Green Cap
428 – Orange Cap
429 – Purple Cap
430 – Red Cap
431 – White Cap
432 – Yellow Cap
433 – Forest Beret
434 – Black Balaclava
435 – Blue Balaclava
436 – Green Balaclava
437 – Orange Balaclava
438 – Purple Balaclava
439 – Red Balaclava
440 – White Balaclava
441 – Yellow Balaclava
509 – Fishing hat
1009 – Desert Beret (U.S.A)
1010 – Desert Military Helmet (U.S.A)
1017 – Biohazard Hood
1359 – Pilot cap
1385 – Mafia fedora
1389 – Spec-Ops berret
1356 – Ghillie Hood (russian)
1335 – Military helmet (russian)
1426 – Coalition cap
1427 – Coalition helmet
1428 – Coalition berret
1429 – Coalition Captain hat
1472 – Fighter Pilot helmet
1494 – Ghille hood (Germany)
1515 – Arctic ghillie hood (U.S.A)
1519 – Arctic military helmet (U.S.A)

Clothes for face
11 – Red Bandana
185 – Black Bandana
186 – Blue Bandana
187 – Green Bandana
188 – Orange Bandana
189 – Purple Bandana
190 – White Bandana
191 – Yellow Bandana
1048 – Hockey Mask
1270 – Gasmask
1271 – Filter

NVG and other
334 – Military Nightvision
1044 – Civilian Nightvision
1181 – Snorkel
1199 – Headlamp
1464 – Blindfold

Upper clothes
3 – Orang Hoodie
24 – Tuxedo Top
154 – Orange Shirt
155 – Orange Tee
156 – Orange Parka
157 – Purple Hoodie
158 – Purple Shirt
159 – Purple Tee
160 – Purple Parka
161 – Green Hoodie
162 – Green Parka
163 – Green Shirt
164 – Green Tee
165 – Red Hoodie
166 – Red Parka
167 – Red Shirt
168 – Red Tee
169 – Yellow Hoodie
170 – Yellow Parka
171 – Yellow Shirt
172 – Yellow Tee
173 – Blue Hoodie
174 – Blue Parka
175 – Blue Shirt
176 – Blue Tee
177 – White Hoodie
178 – White Parka
179 – White Shirt
180 – White Tee
181 – Black Hoodie
182 – Black Parka
183 – Black Shirt
184 – Black Tee
211 – Plaid Shirt
223 – Police Top
230 – Chef Top
232 – Construction Top
233 – Firefighter Top
235 – Ghillie Top (Canada)
242 – Farmer Top
279 – Santa top
303 – Prisoner Top
306 – RCMP Top
307 – Forest Military Top (Canada)
311 – Medic Top
314 – Grocer Top
405 – Mechanic Top
407 – Engineer Top
419 – Flight Jacket
420 – Biker jacket
421 – Suit Top
510 – Fishing Top
517 – Leather Top
1011 – Desert Military Top (U.S.A)
1015 – Biohazard Top
1156 – Thief Top
1171 – Spec Ops Top
1179 – Wetsuit Top
1358 – Pilot top
1386 – Mafia tuxedo top
1391 – Tracksuit top (TRI POLOSKI)
1354 – Ghillie Top (Russia)
1333 – Military top (Russia)
1420 – Engsin Coalition top
1421 – Lieutenant Coalition top
1422 – Major Coalition top
1423 – Commander Coalition top
1424 – Captain Coalition top
1462 – Coastguard Top
1473 – Fighter pilot top
1491 – Military top (Germany)
1492 – Ghille top (Germany)
1512 – Arctic ghillie top (U.S.A)
1516 – Arctic military top (U.S.A)

Bottom clothes
2 – Work Jeans
23 – Tuxedo Bottom
207 – Designer Jeans
208 – Cowboy Jeans
209 – Cargo Pants
212 – Khaki Pants
213 – Corduroy Pants
214 – Trouser Pants
224 – Police Bottom
226 – Khaki Shorts
227 – Cargo Shorts
228 – Corduroy Shorts
229 – Trouser Shorts
231 – Chef Bottom
234 – Firefighter Bottom
236 – Ghillie Bottom (Canada)
243 – Farmer Bottom
280 – Santa bottom
304 – Prisoner Bottom
305 – RCMP Bottom
308 – Forest Military (Canada)
312 – Medic Bottom
315 – Grocer Bottom
406 – Mechanic Bottom
408 – Engineer Bottom
422 – Suit Bottom
511 – Fishing Bottom
518 – Leather Bottom
1012 – Desert Military Bottom (U.S.A)
1016 – Biohazard Bottom
1157 – Thief Bottom
1172 – Spec Ops Bottom
1180 – Wetsuit Bottom
1387 – Mafia tuxedo bottom
1392 – Tracksuit bottom (TRI POLOSKI)
1355 – Ghillie Bottom (Russian)
1334 – Military bottom (Russian)
1419 – Coalition bottom
1454 – Black trunks
1455 – Blue trunks
1456 – Green trunks
1457 – Orange trunks
1458 – Purple trunks
1459 – Red trunks
1460 – White trunks
1461 – Yellow trunks
1463 – Coastguard bottom
1474 – Fighter Pilot bottom
1334 – Military bottom (Germany)
1493 – Ghille bottom (Germany)
1513 – Arctic ghillie bottom (U.S.A)
1517 – Arctic military bottom (U.S.A)

9 – Red Daypack (28 slots)
200 – Black Daypack (28 slots)
201 – Blue Daypack (28 slots)
202 – Green Daypack (28 slots)
203 – Orange Daypack (28 slots)
204 – Purple Daypack (28 slots)
205 – White Daypack (28 slots)
206 – Yellow Daypack (28 slots)
245 – Black Travelpack (35 slots)
246 – Blue Travelpack (35 slots)
247 – Green Travelpack (35 slots)
248 – Orange Travelpack (35 slots)
249 – Purple Travelpack (35 slots)
250 – Red Travelpack (35 ??????)
251 – White Travelpack (35 slots)
252 – Yellow Travelpack (35 slots)
253 – Alicepack (63 slots)
1014 – Leather Pack (30 slots)
1170 – Spec Ops Rucksack (40 slots)
1178 – Diving Tank (8 slots)
1182 – Black Dufflebag (28 slots)
1183 – Blue Dufflebag (28 slots)
1184 – Green Dufflebag (28 slots)
1185 – Orange Dufflebag (28 slots)
1186 – Purple Dufflebag (28 slots)
1187 – Red Dufflebag (28 slots)
1188 – White Dufflebag (28 slots)
1189 – Yellow Dufflebag (28 slots)
1511 – Arctic alicepack (63 slots)

10 – Police Vest
215 – Black Sweatervest
216 – Blue Sweatervest
217 – Green Sweatervest
218 – Orange Sweatervest
219 – Purple Sweatervest
220 – Red Sweatervest
221 – White Sweatervest
222 – Yellow Sweatervest
238 – Ghillie Vest (Canada)
310 – Forest Military Vest (Canada)
410 – Black Poncho
411 – Blue Poncho
412 – Green Poncho
413 – Orange Poncho
414 – Purple Poncho
415 – Red Poncho
416 – White Poncho
417 – Yellow Poncho
1013 – Desert military vest (U.S.A)
1133 – Black Scarf
1134 – Blue Scarf
1135 – Green Scarf
1136 – Orange Scarf
1137 – Purple Scarf
1138 – Red Scarf
1139 – White Scarf
1140 – Yellow Scarf
1168 – Civilian Armor Vest
1169 – Spec Ops Vest
1173 – Makeshift Armor
1357 – Ghillie Vest (Russia)
1336 – Military vest (Russia)
1425 – Coalition vest
1495 – Ghille vest (Germany)
1336 – Military vest (Germany)
1514 – Arctic ghillie vest (U.S.A)
1518 – Arctic military vest (U.S.A)

1103 – Black Umbrella
1122 – Blue Umbrella
1123 – Green Umbrella
1124 – Orange Umbrella
1123 – Purple Umbrella
1126 – Red Umbrella
1127 – White Umbrella
1128 – Yellow Umbrella

1 – Black Offroader
2 – Blue Offroader
3 – Green Offroader
4 – Orange Offroader
5 – Purple Offroader
6 – Red Offroader
7 – White Offroader
8 – Yellow Offroader
9 – Black Hatchback
10 – Blue Hatchback
11 – Green Hatchback
12 – Orange Hatchback
13 – Purple Hatchback
14 – Red Hatchback
15 – White Hatchback
16 – Yellow Hatchback
17 – Black Truck
18 – Blue Truck
19 – Green Truck
20 – Orange Truck
21 – Purple Truck
22 – Red Truck
23 – White Truck
24 – Yellow Truck
25 – Black Sedan
26 – Blue Sedan
27 – Green Sedan
28 – Orange Sedan
29 – Purple Sedan
30 – Red Sedan
31 – White Sedan
32 – Yellow Sedan
33 – Police Car
34 – Firetruck
35 – Black Van
36 – Blue Van
37 – Green Van
38 – Orange Van
39 – Purple Van
40 – Red Van
41 – White Van
42 – Yellow Van
43 – Black Roadster
44 – Blue Roadster
45 – Green Roadster
46 – Orange Roadster
47 – Purple Roadster
48 – Red Roadster
49 – White Roadster
50 – Yellow Roadster
51 – Forest Ural
52 – Forest Humvee
53 – Forest APC
54 – Ambulance
55 – Desert Ural
56 – Desert Humvee
57 – Desert APC
58 – Explorer
59 – Black Snowmobile
60 – Blue Snowmobile
61 – Green Snowmobile
62 – Orange Snowmobile
63 – Purple Snowmobile
64 – Red Snowmobile
65 – White Snowmobile
66 – Yellow Snowmobile
67 – Black Quad
68 – Blue Quad
69 – Green Quad
70 – Orange Quad
71 – Purple Quad
72 – Red Quad
73 – White Quad
74 – Yellow Quad
75 – Golfcart
76 – Taxi
77 – Black Racecar
78 – Blue Racecar
79 – Green Racecar
80 – Orange Racecar
81 – Purple Racecar
82 – Red Racecar
83 – White Racecar
84 – Yellow Racecar
85 – Tractor
86 – Bus
87 – Forest Jeep
88 – Desert Jeep
92 – Sandpiper
93 – Forest Huey
94 – Desert Huey
95 – Skycrane
96 – Otter
97 – Runabout
98 – Black Jetski
99 – Blue Jetski
100 – Green Jetski
101 – Orange Jetski
102 – Purple Jetski
103 – Red Jetski
104 – White Jetski
105 – Yellow Jetski
106 – Police Helicopter
107 – Hummingbird
108 – Police Launch
109 – Rainbow Hatchback
110 – Black Auto
111 – Blue Auto
112 – Green Auto
113 – Orange Auto
114 – Purple Auto
115 – Red Auto
116 – White Auto
117 – Yellow Auto
118 – Toiler
119 – Russia APC
120 – Forest Tank
121 – Desert Tank
122 – Luggage Car
123 – Ghost
124 – Dinghy
125 – Black Rover
126 – Blue Rover
127 – Green Rover
128 – Orange Rover
129 – Purple Rover
130 – Red Rover
131 – White Rover
132 – Yellow Rover
133 – Annushka
134 – Orca
135 – Hind
136 – Russian Ural
137 – Russian Tank
138 – Russian Tractor
139 – Moon Buggy
140 – Fighter Jet
141 – Dumptruck
142 – Prison Truck
143 – German Humvee
144 – German Huey
145 – German Jeep
146 – Coalition Jeep
147 – Coalition Ural
176 – Black Dirtbike
177 – Blue Dirtbike
178 – Green Dirtbike
179 – Orange Dirtbike
180 – Purple Dirtbike
181 – Red Dirtbike
182 – White Dirtbike
183 – Yellow Dirtbike
185 – Bicycle
186 – Cargo Train (cannot be spawned)
188 – Police Motorcycle
189 – Blimp
2021 – Makeshift boat
2022 – Makeshift helicopter
1353 – Stealthy

Makeshift cars
1099 – Makeshift auto (4 place)
1111 – Makeshift auto (6 place)
1112 – Makeshift auto (1 place)
2021 – Raft Makeshift Vehicle (4 place)
2022 – Gyro Makeshift Vehicle (1 place)
1450 – Battery
1451 – Tire
1507 – Socketwrench

Hawaii vehicle`s
802 – Armoured Police track
803 – Police boat with m59 gun’s
804 – Fire Tanker
805 – Fire chief
806 – Coaster
807 – Hovercraft
808 – Bouncer
809 – Coastguard track
810 – Coastguard seaplane
811 – Red sportcar
812 – Black sportcar
813 – Blue sportcar
814 – Green sportcar
815 – Orange sportcar
816 – Purple sportcar
817 – White sportcar
818 – Yellow sportcar
819 – Orange buggi
820 – Red buggi
821 – Black buggi
822 – Blue buggi
823 – Green buggi
824 – Purple buggi
825 – White buggi
826 – Yellow buggi
827 – Fishing boat
828 – Desert jeep
829 – Coastguard jeep

Germany vehicle
840 – Bulldozer
841 – Cement truck
842 – Skid loader
843 – Sport dune buggy
844 – Scavenger
845 – Legareno
846 – Auto Gyro
847 – Delivery truck
848 – Makeshift raft
849 – Hot air ballon
141 – Dump truck
157 – Eagle
143 – Germany Humvee
144 – Germany Huey
145 – Germany Jeep
146 – Coalition Jeep
147 – Coalition Ural
148 – Germany APC
149 – Black Rabbit
150 – Blue Rabbit
151 – Green Rabbit
152 – Orange Rabbit
153 – Purple Rabbit
154 – Red Rabbit
155 – White Rabbit
156 – Yellow Rabbit
158 – Black Beetle
159 – Blue Beetle
160 – Green Beetle
161 – Orange Beetle
162 – Purple Beetle
163 – Red Beetle
164 – White Beetle
165 – Yellow Beetle
142 – Prison Transport Truck
185 – Bike
176 – Black Dirtbike
177 – Blue Dirtbike
178 – Green Dirtbike
179 – Orange Dirtbike
180 – Purple Dirtbike
181 – Red Dirtbike
182 – White Dirtbike
183 – Yellow Dirtbike
188 – Police motorcycle

13 – Canned Beans
77 – Canned Tomato Soup
78 – Canned Chicken Soup
79 – Canned Tuna
81 – MRE
82 – Chips
83 – Chocolate Bar
84 – Candy Bar
85 – Granola Bar
86 – Energy Bar
87 – Canned Pasta
88 – Canned Bacon
89 – Canned Beef
90 – Canned Sardines
329 – Carrot
335 – Corn
338 – Lettuce
340 – Tomato
342 – Potato
344 – Wheat
460 – Bread
461 – Tuna Sandwich
464 – Cheese
466 – Grilled Cheese Sandwich
467 – BLT Sandwich
468 – Ham Sandwich
469 – Canned Ham
470 – Eggs
471 – Cake
504 – Raw Trout
505 – Raw Salmon
512 – Cooked Trout
513 – Cooked Salmon
514 – Raw Venison
515 – Cooked Venison
1046 – Pumpkin
1047 – Pumpkin Pie
1076 – Amber Pie
1077 – Indigo Pie
1078 – Jade Pie
1079 – Mauve Pie
1080 – Russet Pie
1081 – Teal Pie
1082 – Vermillion Pie
1117 – Pork
1118 – Bacon
1120 – Raw Beef
1121 – Cooked Beef
1160 – Pancake
1161 – Waffle
1162 – Dough
1163 – Doughnut
1164 – Pizza
1347 – Raw Minnow
1348 – Cooked Minnow
1349 – Raw Goldfish
1350 – Cooked Goldfish
1351 – Raw Bass
1352 – Cooked Bass
1398 – Trout Sandwich
1399 – Salmon Sandwich
1400 – Minnow Sandwich
1401 – Goldfish Sandwich
1402 – Venison Sandwich
1403 – Bass Sandwich
1404 – Beef Sandwich
1405 – Cheese Steak Sandwich
1406 – BLT Sandwich
1407 – Beef Sandwich
1431 – Upgraded Cake
1434 – Raw Squid
1435 – Cooked Squid
1453 – Split Coconut

14 – Bottled Water
70 – Glue
75 – Chemicals
80 – Canned Cola
91 – Apple Juice
92 – Grape Juice
93 – Bottled Energy
94 – Bottled Coconut
115 – Mauve Berries
270 – Amber Berries
271 – Indigo Berries
272 – Jade Berries
273 – Russet Berries
274 – Teal Berries
275 – Vermillion Berries
396 – Refined Mauve Berries
397 – Refined Amber Berries
398 – Refined Indigo Berries
399 – Refined Jade Berries
400 – Refined Russet Berries
401 – Refined Teal Berries
402 – Refined Vermillion Berries
462 – Milk Box
463 – Orange Juice
465 – Canned Soda
472 – Bottled Cola
473 – Bottled Soda

Materials and others
37 – Birch Log
38 – Birch Stick
39 – Maple Log
40 – Maple Stick
41 – Pine Log
42 – Pine Stick
61 – Maple Plank
62 – Birch Plank
63 – Pine Plank
64 – Rope
65 – Wire
66 – cloth
67 – Scrap metal
68 – Metal Sheet
69 – Tape
70 – Clay
71 – Nail
72 – Can
73 – Raw Explosives
74 – Brick
75 – Chemicals
285 – Metal bar
516 – Leather

Built of maple
29 – Maple Fortification
30 – Maple Barricade
31 – Maple Floor
32 – Maple Doorway
33 – Maple Wall
34 – Maple Window
35 – Maple Roof
36 – Maple Pillar
281 – Maple Door
316 – Maple Stairs
319 – Maple Hole
322 – Maple Ramp
325 – Maple Ladder
359 – Maple Torch
366 – Maple Crate
383 – Maple Spikes
442 – Maple Rampart
443 – Maple Post
450 – Maple Garage
451 – Maple Gate
1058 – Large Maple Plate
1059 – Small Maple Plate
1060 – Large Maple Frame
1061 – Small Maple Frame
1062 – Maple Siding
1063 – Maple Pipe
1083 – Maple Doorframe
1084 – Maple Garageframe
1095 – Maple Sign
1146 – Large Equilateral Maple Plate
1147 – Large Right Maple Plate
1152 – Small Equilateral Maple Plate
1153 – Small Right Maple Plate
1202 – Maple Rifle Rack
1205 – Maple Trophy Case
1223 – Maple Shutter
1231 – Maple Flag
1235 – Maple Doubledoor
1245 – Maple Counter
1251 – Maple Counter Sink
1257 – Maple Library
1262 – Triangular Maple Floor
1266 – Triangular Maple Roof
1278 – Maple Wardrobe
1284 – Maple Rectangular Table
1288 – Maple Circular Table
1292 – Maple Square Table
1329 – Maple Hatch
1410 – Maple Plaque
1414 – Maple Ramp Wall
1467 – Maple Placard

Built from brich
45 – Birch Barricade
47 – Birch Fortification
49 – Birch Doorway
51 – Birch Floor
53 – Birch Pillar
55 – Birch Roof
57 – Birch Wall
59 – Birch Window
282 – Birch Door
318 – Birch Stairs
321 – Birch Hole
323 – Birch Ramp
326 – Birch Ladder
360 – Birch Torch
367 – Birch Crate
384 – Birch Spikes
444 – Birch Rampart
447 – Birch Post
452 – Birch Garage
455 – Birch Gate
1064 – Large Birch Plate
1065 – Small Birch Plate
1066 – Large Birch Frame
1067 – Small Birch Frame
1068 – Birch Siding
1069 – Birch Pipe
1085 – Birch Doorframe
1086 – Birch Garageframe
1096 – Birch Sign
1144 – Large Equilateral Birch Plate
1145 – Large Right Birch Plate
1150 – Small Equilateral Birch Plate
1151 – Small Right Birch Plate
1203 – Birch Rifle Rack
1206 – Birch Trophy Case
1224 – Birch Shutter
1232 – Birch Flag
1236 – Birch Doubledoor
1246 – Birch Counter
1252 – Birch Counter Sink
1258 – Birch Library
1263 – Triangular Birch Floor
1267 – Triangular Birch Roof
1279 – Birch Wardrobe
1285 – Birch Rectangular Table
1289 – Birch Circular Table
1293 – Birch Square Table
1330 – Birch Hatch
1411 – Birch Plaque
1415 – Birch Ramp Wall
1468 – Birch Placard

Built from pine
46 – Pine Barricade
48 – Pine Fortification
50 – Pine Doorway
52 – Pine Floor
54 – Pine Pillar
56 – Pine Roof
58 – Pine Wall
60 – Pine Window
283 – Pine Door
317 – Pine Stairs
320 – Pine Hole
324 – Pine Ramp
327 – Pine Ladder
361 – Pine Torch
368 – Pine Crate
385 – Pine Spikes
445 – Pine Rampart
448 – Pine Post
453 – Pine Garage
456 – Pine Gate
1070 – Large Pine Plate
1071 – Small Pine Plate
1072 – Large Pine Frame
1073 – Small Pine Frame
1074 – Pine Siding
1075 – Pine Pipe
1087 – Pine Doorframe
1088 – Pine Garageframe
1097 – Pine Sign
1148 – Large Equilateral Pine Plate
1149 – Large Right Pine Plate
1154 – Small Equilateral Pine Plate
1155 – Small Right Pine Plate
1204 – Pine Rifle Rack
1207 – Pine Trophy Case
1225 – Pine Shutter
1233 – Pine Flag
1237 – Pine Doubledoor
1247 – Pine Counter
1253 – Pine Counter Sink
1259 – Pine Library
1264 – Triangular Pine Floor
1268 – Triangular Pine Roof
1280 – Pine Wardrobe
1286 – Pine Rectangular Table
1290 – Pine Circular Table
1294 – Pine Square Table
1331 – Pine Hatch
1412 – Pine Plaque
1416 – Pine Ramp Wall
1469 – Pine Placard

Metal buildings
369 – Metal Floor
370 – Metal Doorway
371 – Metal Wall
372 – Metal Window
373 – Metal Roof
374 – Metal Pillar
375 – Metal Stairs
376 – Metal Hole
377 – Metal Ramp
378 – Metal Door
379 – Metal Ladder
284 – Jail Door
286 – Vault Door
287 – Bars Fortification
328 – Locker
446 – Metal Rampart
449 – Metal Post
454 – Metal Garage
457 – Metal Gate
1089 – Metal Doorframe
1090 – Metal Garageframe
1091 – Large Metal Plate
1092 – Small Metal Plate
1093 – Metal Siding
1094 – Metal Pipe
1098 – Metal Sign
1220 – Metal Rifle Rack
1221 – Metal Trophy Case
1226 – Metal Shutter
1234 – Metal Flag
1238 – Metal Doubledoor
1239 – Large Slippery Plate
1248 – Metal Counter
1254 – Metal Counter Sink
1260 – Metal Library
1265 – Triangular Metal Floor
1269 – Triangular Metal Roof
1281 – Metal Wardrobe
1287 – Metal Rectangular Table
1291 – Metal Circular Table
1295 – Metal Square Table
1332 – Metal Hatch
1409 – Metal Mannequin
1413 – Metal Plaque
1417 – Metal Ramp Wall
1470 – Metal Placard

Brick buildings
1210 – Brick Doorway
1211 – Brick Garage
1212 – Brick Pillar
1213 – Brick Post
1214 – Brick Rampart
1215 – Brick Wall
1216 – Brick Window
1217 – Brick Doorframe
1218 – Brick Garageframe
1418 – Brick Ramp Wall

Other buildings
331 – Planter
362 – Campfire (Light and cooking)
365 – Sandbag
382 – Caltrop (Trap)
386 – Barbed Wire (Trap)
1119 – Barbed Wire Fence
1130 – Ornamental barbed wire
1131 – Ornamental barbed wire fence
1158 – Claim Flag (block`s other players building)
1194 – Horde beacon
1208 – Rain Barrel (Collects water)
1227 – Tanktrap (Barricade)
1228 – Water Tank (Water container)
1229 – Fuel Tank (Fuel container)
1239 – Large Slippery Plate
1244 – Sentry (Turret)
1249 – Fridge (Keeps food longer)
1250 – Oven (Light and cooking)
1255 – Lamp (Light)
1261 – Oxygenator
1272 – Blue Flare (Light)
1273 – Green Flare (Light)
1274 – Orange Flare (Light)
1275 – Purple Flare (Light)
1276 – Red Flare (Light)
1277 – Yellow Flare (Light)
1282 – Umbrella
1283 – Cooler (Keeps food longer)
1296 – Beach Chair
1297 – Glass
1298 – Bulletprof glass
1299 – One way glass
1345 – Plot
1327 – Book
1328 – Note
1372 – Friendly sentry (Shooting in players with guns)
1373 – Hostile sentry (Shoots in all player)
1396 – Ghille netting (PEI and Washington)
1397 – Ghillie netting (russian)
1408 – Cloth mannequin
1409 – Metal mannequin
1466 – Stereo
1500 – Ghillie netting (germany)
1509 – Clock

Electrical buildings
458 – Generator
459 – Spotlight (Light)
1194 – Horde beacon
1255 – Lamp (Light)
1261 – Oxygenator
1230 – Industrial Generator
1219 – Oil Derrick
1222 – Cagelight (Light)
1050 – Generator Safe-Zone

1445 – Radio
1446 – Earpiece

1051 – 5$
1052 – 10$
1053 – 20$
1054 – 50$
1055 – 100$
1056 – Loonie
1057 – Toonie

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 5843

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.