The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 3121-3140 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 3121

After that, Sara asked him again: “By the way, Charlie, you are going back to Eastcliff to attend the ancestor worship ceremony on Qingming Festival, right?”

Charlie nodded: “Yes, what’s the matter?”

“Nothing.” Sara said, “Isn’t Qingming Festival in April? There are more than 20 days left. In other words, after more than 20 days, I will be able to see you in Eastcliff again.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Yes, I will definitely visit you and Uncle and Auntie at that time.”

Sara said: “Your schedule is just right, because I’m going to the United States in mid-April.”

“Going to America?” Charlie asked curiously: “Why are you going to America suddenly?”

“Not suddenly.” Sara said: “I’m going to quit the entertainment circle this time, so I want to hold a few more concerts, which can be regarded as an explanation for the fans.”

“I also have a lot of fans in Europe, America, Japan, and Korea. Among them, most of them are of Chinese descent.”

“So in addition to our domestic, mainland, and Taiwan concerts, there are also some concert arrangements in Japan, South Korea, Europe, and the United States.”

“From mid-April to the end of April, I will be in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Houston in the United States. And five games in Seattle, and then another three games in Japan and South Korea.”

Charlie asked in a puzzled way: “Why don’t you finish the Asian performance first and then go to Europe and the United States? You will have tossed for more than half a month, and you have to toss back.

Sara smiled and said, “Mom and Dad happened to be going to the United States for official business in April, so I plan to go with them.”

After that, she asked him again: “Charlie, do you want to go together?”

Charlie shook his head and said with a smile: “I won’t go. There are quite a lot of things in Aurous Hill.”

“It is estimated that April is the month when the Ocean Shipping Group will start, so I should not be able to get out.”

Sara nodded, and said with some regret: “The main reason is that I am unfamiliar with the place where I was born in the United States. I always feel not used to it.”

“It would be better to have my parents together. It would be better if Charlie we could go together, but you have yourself. You have to be busy with things, I can fully understand.”

Charlie comforted: “Although the United States is far away, it takes only twelve hours to fly by plane.”

“Besides, you are mainly performing for overseas Chinese, so you don’t have to worry about being uncomfortable.”

“Yeah.” Sara nodded slightly and asked him, “Charlie, don’t you want to go to the United States for a visit?”

Charlie shook his head: “What am I going to see there?”

Sara said: “Meet your grandpa and grandma, I heard my mother say that your grandpa and grandma are still alive.”

Charlie was stunned. After a few seconds, he smiled unnaturally, and said:

“I’m not going to disturb them. After all, I haven’t seen them a few times when I was young, and I don’t want to go to them.”

“They have no feelings for me either, having said that, I have no feelings for them either.”

There is a word, Charlie did not say it.

In the past, he didn’t know much about his mother’s life experience, and he had only seen his grandpa and grandma when he was very young, so he and grandpa and grandma had no relationship basis.

Moreover, after he met Pollard, he told him that his mother’s family is actually much stronger than the Wade family.”

“His grandparents have always been dissatisfied with his mother’s decision to marry his father and follow him back to China.

It is said that his mother may have had a lot of conflicts with her parental family because of this.

Now his mother is no longer alive, and their grandson, who has not seen each other in 20 years, would embarrass them if he really went to see his grandfather and grandmother.

Therefore, he felt that not to disturb them is a kind of respect for them.

Chapter 3122

Charlie drove to Shangri-La and took the internal elevator with Sara to the suite her team had reserved.

As soon as she entered the suite, Sara ran to the sofa in twos and twos and came to a standard bed, and said with emotion:

“Oh my god, it’s really tiring to get up early to catch a plane.”

Charlie smiled and said, “If you are tired, take a break first, and we will go to dinner when you are ready.”

Sara hurriedly asked, “Charlie, where are you going to take me to eat?”

Charlie said: “Wherever you want, if you don’t dislike it, we can eat something in the catering department of Shangri-La.”

“If you dislike it, let’s go to Orvel’s Classical Mansion.”

Sara hurriedly waved her hand and said, “Oh, forget the Classical Mansion.”

“It’s too much toss, too rich meals, and it’s very tiring to eat, and I get the venue rehearsal at one o’clock, time is tight.”

With that said, she asked diligently:

“Charlie, or let the catering department make some food and deliver it to the room. You can eat with me in the room.”

Charlie nodded and said, “If you are too lazy to move, then I’ll let Issac arrange for someone to bring a meal over.”

She quickly said: “That would be better!”

Charlie called Issac and asked him to arrange for the food and beverage department to make some special dishes, which were delivered to Sara’s room at about 11:30. Issac hurriedly went to the food and beverage department to keep an eye on them for fear of negligence.

At 10:30 in the morning, Zhifei’s prepared motorcade had assembled at the entrance of the stadium, ready to go to the airport to welcome Sara’s arrival.

In order to fully grasp the trajectory of Sara’s actions, Zhifei specifically asked someone to ask about the status of Sara’s private jet.”

“Such as whether it has launched a parking bay, whether it has started queuing to leave the airport, and when it is expected to take off.

However, just when he was ready to leave for the airport, he received a message from Eastcliff, who told him that Sara’s private plane had just canceled today’s flight plan.

Zhifei couldn’t react at all, so he called and asked:

“You said that Sara’s flight is canceled? What’s the matter? Is the weather in Eastcliff bad? Is there a thunderstorm or windy weather?”

The other party’s answer was simple and concise: “The breeze is blowing, and there are no clouds.”

Zhifei frowned and asked, “Is that flow control?”

The other party’s answer is still simple and straightforward: “The flow is normal.”

“What’s going on?!” Zhifei asked puzzlingly: “Isn’t the flight canceled in these two situations? Either the weather is bad, or the traffic control!”

The other party opened his mouth and said:

“There is another possibility that the other party wants to cancel it. If the other party can’t fly due to a temporary change, you can’t let the plane fly by itself, right?”

Chapter 3123

Zhifei was agitated for a while, immediately hung up the phone, turned back to the inside of the stadium, and said to Tasha who was working:

“Tasha, what time will Miss Gu come over today?”

Tasha pretended to be surprised and said, “She will start the rehearsal at one o’clock in the afternoon. Haven’t I told you about it a long time ago?”

Zhifei held back his anger and said, “I asked when she would fly over. I just heard that her plane has canceled today’s flight plan.”

Tasha asked with a look of surprise: “Ah? Really? I haven’t heard of this, and she didn’t tell me.”

Zhifei asked her back: “You are her agent, don’t you know when she will arrive in Aurous Hill today?”

Tasha nodded earnestly, and said: “Mr. Su, you are right. I really don’t know when she will arrive in Aurous Hill today. She didn’t let me arrange the pick-up, and only said that she would arrive at the venue after one o’clock.”

Zhifei raised his wrist, looked at the limited-edition Richard Mille watch on his wrist, frowned, and said:

“It is 11 o’clock now. If there is any delay, she will definitely not be able to arrive at the venue on time.”

With that said, Zhifei said, “Let me call Miss Gu.”

Tasha said: “Mr. Su, if there is nothing else, I’ll go ahead.”

“Okay.” Zhifei nodded, took out his mobile phone, found Sara’s number, and dialed it.

However, a prompt came from the other end of the phone: “Sorry, the user you are calling has been turned off. Please try again later.”

Seeing Sara turned off the phone, Zhifei was even more confused.

He didn’t know that her mobile phone had been in the Do Not Disturb mode for a long time.”

“In this mode, only a few calls she has whitelisted could get through. No matter who it is, it would be a shutdown reminder.

Therefore, he hurriedly asked someone to inquire about the relevant information of Aurous Hill Airport, but did not find that the airport had Sara’s entry registration information.

He instinctively thought that she should have not arrived in Aurous Hill yet. Maybe she was delayed in Eastcliff due to some accident.

Maybe she would change to another plane to come to Aurous Hill soon. So he quickly ordered his men to drive to Aurous Hill Airport.

Waiting for the job, at the same time, he called his friends on the railway to ask them to help verify whether Sara bought high-speed rail tickets in the railway system.

In his opinion, from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill, she could not have other options besides flying and taking the high-speed rail.”

“As long as he seizes these two channels, he will definitely be able to wait for her.

As a result, what made him think of abnormality was that he waited until nearly twelve o’clock, and friends at the airport and railway did not make any progress.

Chapter 3124

This made Zhifei particularly puzzled. He felt that Sara attaches great importance to this performance.

The performance will officially begin tomorrow, and she must finish the rehearsal today. It shouldn’t be a temporary absence at this time.

However, he has not been able to contact anyone at the moment, nor can he find any clues, which makes him a little anxious.

Seeing that the time is only two or three minutes away from 12 o’clock, after thinking about it, he decided to give up the plan to pick her up from the airport.

First, he went back to the venue to have a look. In case she went to the venue rehearsal quietly and on time, and he is still at the airport, waiting to pick her up, that’d be a horrible story.

Wanting to understand this, he hurriedly led people to the Olympic Center.

Just when his car had entered the gate of the Olympic Center, Charlie drove Sara to the VIP passage at the back door of the Olympic Center venue.

Tasha has arranged for staff to seal the entrances and exits in advance to prevent fans from getting in.

After Charlie stopped the car, Sara said to him, “Thank you, Charlie, for bringing me here. I’ll go now!”

Charlie asked her, “Sara, do you want me to accompany you to the rehearsal?”

Sara hurriedly said:

“No need! My rehearsal is confidential to you, and I can’t tell you anything, otherwise, there will be no surprises at the official performance tomorrow. You should go to your own business!”

Charlie had no choice but to nod his head and said, “Okay, then I’ll leave first. Call me if you have something to do with me.”

She said playfully: “Charlie, don’t forget to pick up my parents tomorrow with me!”

“Okay!” Charlie agreed, and said: “You go to work, I’m leaving.”

“Goodbye Charlie!”

At the same time, Zhifei also drove into the VIP channel.

Since he himself is a partner of the organizer, he has been using the VIP channel these days, so the staff will let him go directly when they see his car.

As soon as he drove the car into the VIP aisle, he saw Sara stepping out of the ordinary BMW 520 in front, and when she got down, she waved at the person in the cab with a happy face.

Zhifei couldn’t see the appearance of the driver from behind, but through the rear glass, he could see the back of Charlie’s head.

Charlie has a short hairstyle. No matter who looked from behind, he could see that he was a man.

At this moment, Zhifei was furious, and gritted his teeth and cursed:

“Damn! I waited for you for noon, I didn’t expect you to come with another man over! The airport and the high-speed rail don’t have your information.”.

“But you have already arrived in Aurous Hill, it seems that you are deliberately avoiding me!”

Immediately, he carefully read Charlie’s license plate number, took out his cell phone, and made a call.

“Hey! Help me look up a license plate information! I want all the information about the owner! It is urgent!”

Chapter 3125

Zhifei is not a local in Aurous Hill.

Therefore, although he can use a lot of relationships, the degree of reliability of this relationship is not high.

Basically, his subordinates have to find several layers of relationships in a roundabout way to reach the key person.

Normally, if he wants to inquire about the information of someone in this city, a call is made to the person under his hand.

This person under his hand will then activate contacts and find the local relationship in Aurous Hill. Although it is a bit more troublesome, it is not too difficult.

However, what he didn’t know was that the BMW he wanted to check this time was registered under the name of Charlie’s wife, Claire.

As the spokesperson of the Wade family in Aurous Hill, and as Charlie’s right-hand man, Issac has already managed the upper and lower relations.

All the personal information related to Charlie, his wife Claire, father-in-law, and his mother-in-law, All have very timely warning reminders.

If someone inquires the information of the family of four in the system, the moment he enters his name or license plate number and clicks on the query, he will send an early warning to Issac as soon as possible.

At the same time, regardless of whether he is inquiring about the names of the four members of Charlie’s family, or their license plates, addresses, and ID numbers, it is not that easy.

The system will immediately trigger the protection rules and first gives a feedback “system information maintenance, please try again later” prompt to the other party.

Therefore, when Zhifei found the key person and who entered Claire’s license plate number into the system, Issac immediately received the message.

But the person found that the system was being maintained, so he didn’t think much about it, and planned to wait a few minutes and try again.

While he was waiting, Issac immediately contacted the person in charge of the Aurous Hill Transportation Department to conduct a counter-check directly in the internal system.

In less than a minute, he found the person searching for Claire’s license plate number.

The man was a middle-level manager of the Aurous Hill Transportation Department. A few minutes ago, he received a friend’s entrustment to help inquire about a local license plate number.

The other party only asked for the registration information of the car. He didn’t think much about it, so he prepared the feedback to the other party after checking.

But what he didn’t expect was that Issac locked him in only less than a minute.

Then, he was suddenly called by the head to the office.

Chapter 3126

He didn’t know it was his search behavior that caused the catastrophe. He pushed the door and asked with a flattering expression: “Sir, what do you want me to do?”

The person called Allan immediately asked him: “You just checked the information of a BMW in the system?”

“Uh…” the person said nervously, “No, is there any misunderstanding?”

“Misunderstanding?” Allan said in a cold voice: “Don’t forget that there are behavior statistics inside the system.”

“The login account which just checked the car info is yours, and the IP address that sent the query request comes from your workstation. How do you explain this?”

The man was startled. He usually has a good relationship with Allan, and he can be regarded as one of his confidantes.

It stands to reason that he shouldn’t suddenly become so serious. He must have caused trouble.

So he hurriedly said in a low voice and flattering: “Allan, what we do is the work of the traffic system.”

“I check the license plate number. There is no principle problem? Why are you so angry?”

Allan sternly said: “In normal times, opening one eye and closing one eye will pass, but this time you stabbed a big basket! I can’t save you!”

The man asked nervously, “All…Allan…What the hell is going on here? Can you give me a rough idea? My heart is panicking like something…”

Allan glared at him and said coldly:

“Because of your business, President Issac from Shangri-La has come to me. You know his background. It is definitely not a trivial matter to let him find you so quickly!”

The man exclaimed: “Iss…Issac?! Allan, what should I do now, please show me the way!”

Allan opened the mouth and said: “There is a way to make up for the work, it depends on whether you are worthy of cooperation.”

The man hurriedly said: “Cooperation? I will definitely cooperate!”

Chapter 3127

After Issac solved all the problems in the fastest time, he immediately called Charlie. At this time, Charlie had just driven away from the Olympic Center.

After answering the phone, Issac said to Charlie, “Master, someone inquired about your wife’s car in the traffic data system just now.”

Charlie frowned and asked: “Who did the investigation?”

Issac hurriedly said: “It is a middle-level manager in the relevant department.”

With that said, he reported the incident word by word.

After Charlie listened, he said, “You have done a good job of this, so take precautions.”

“This is my job.”

Charlie asked again: “Have you checked back, who on earth wants to check my wife’s license plate number?”

Issac hurriedly said: “The information found was an old classmate of the person involved in Eastcliff, and the other party worked in a company under the name of the Su family.”

“The Su family?” Charlie suddenly realized something, and said:

“Then I guess the person who wants to check on me should be Zhifei from the Su family. I just drove the girl to the performance venue, and he probably saw us.”

Issac blurted out: “Dmn, the ba5tard of the Su family has always been ill-intentioned towards Miss Gu.”

“I heard that he organized a luxury motorcade to pick her up from the airport, but he was completely bypassed.”

After speaking, Issac said again: “Master, this boy has probably been eyeing you. He wants to check your license plate number. It must be aimed at you.”

“Although Aurous Hill is not in the Su family’s domain, if they want, they can find a relationship from Eastcliff. I guess it won’t be long before he finds you! You must be prepared!”

“Hmm…” Charlie said with a cold face: “Zhifei shouldn’t see my appearance yet, but since he came to the door, he must take the initiative to attack this matter!”

Having said that, Charlie said again:

“Tomorrow night, I am going to attend the concert. If I don’t do anything to Zhifei, I will definitely be unavoidable to meet him at the concert. I need to solve this trouble!”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, what are your plans?”

Charlie sneered and said: “In this way, you first let that person give feedback to Zhifei any false information, and the specific information is what I tell you…”

After that, Charlie informed Issac of his plan in detail and asked him to strictly follow the requirements.

Charlie knew very well that he had rescued Zhiyu and Zhifei in Japan, so if he really came face to face with him, he would definitely recognize him.

Therefore, instead of waiting for him to recognize him at the concert tomorrow, it is better to take the initiative to solve him.

Originally, he didn’t want to attack him. After all, everyone has the right to pursue his favorite object.

He can’t act on him simply because he likes Sara. After all, he is not as arrogant as that stupid Kim.

But this time the situation is completely different.

This Zhifei was so bold that he dared to let people check his wife’s license plate number!

His behavior alone has clearly played the world!

Now that he has crossed the redline, he can’t blame Charlie anymore!

Chapter 3128

Due to a very bad mood, Zhifei sat in his Rolls Royce and did not get out of the car for a long time.

Even though Sara’s rehearsal singing soon hit his eardrums coming from the stadium, he still sat motionless in the car.

At this time, he was extremely unhappy.

The reason that made him unhappy was that on the one hand, Sara’s deliberate avoidance of him, on the other hand, it was the unknown BMW driver.

And he didn’t understand why Sara would condescend to take a cheap BMW to the stadium.

After all, a brand like BMW, in the second-generation circle of Eastlciff, is simply rubbish that no one touches.

Like their top rich second-generation, the advanced customized version of Rolls-Royce is basically the standard for travel.

A car of this class like BMW is not even worth mentioning in front of the high-end customized Rolls-Royce.

Seeing that more than ten or twenty minutes have passed, and his subordinates have not returned the information of the car, he can’t help but feel a little annoyed.

When he was about to dial the number, he suddenly received a call from his subordinates.

He immediately connected the phone and yelled: “I let you f*cking check a license plate, where were you checking it for me, maybe on f*cking mars?!”

The other party hurriedly said: “Master calmed down. The people over there just reported that there was a problem with the system. It has just been dealt with. The car you want to check has results.”

Zhifei hurriedly asked: “What is the result? Who is the owner of that car?!”

The other party replied: “Master, the BMW car you asked me to check is a car registered under the name of Aurous Hill Emgrand Group.”

“Emgrand Group?” Zhifei couldn’t help frowning.

Chapter 3129

He has been in Aurous Hill during this period, but he has some understanding of the situation in this city.

The largest local company here is the Emgrand Group, but the owner of this group is mysterious, and Zhifei doesn’t know who this company belongs to.

So, he was a little surprised at once, and blurted out: “Is the info true?”

The other party replied: “It is definitely true. He also told me that the number of vehicles registered under the Emgrand Group’s name is more than 500 large and small. This BMW is one of them, and there is a small detail. This car is not a BMW 520, but a BMW 760.”

“Impossible!” Zhifei blurted out: “I saw the car’s tail label says 520! How could it be 760?! Is it a mistake?”

“No.” The other party said earnestly: “I have repeatedly confirmed that the license plate number is indeed a BMW 760. As for you said that the tail number is 520, then I guess it may have been tampered with.”

After speaking, he said again: “Master, you may not know much about the entry-level low-end luxury cars like BMW, but there is actually a big difference between the BMW 5 Series and the 7 Series. At first glance, they seem to be similar, but in fact, there are many differences, but people who don’t know it can’t see it.”

“Just like the current Mercedes-Benz E-Class and Mercedes-Benz S-Class, people who don’t understand cars basically can’t see the difference. Compare the video of the driving recorder with the photo of the BMW 760 on the Internet. If you find it wrong, I will immediately ask that person to follow up.”

Zhifei naturally didn’t want to make any difference, so he immediately said: “Let me look at the video of the dashcam. You can find me the detailed pictures of the rear of the BMW 760 and 520 and send it to my WeChat. I will confirm it first.”

“Okay, master!”

Zhifei hurriedly opened the video of Rolls-Royce’s built-in driving recorder and found the clip just taken. After playback, it can be clearly seen that the rear of the car is indeed written BMW 520.

The reason why he wants to figure out whether it is 520 or 760 is mainly to determine whether this car is an Emgrand Group car.

If it is true that this car is a BMW 760, then all the clues can be confirmed that this car belongs to the Emgrand Group.

But if this car is not a 760, or an ordinary 520, then it proves that the information feedback from his men is wrong.

In that case, either the subordinate has a problem, or the BMW 520 has a problem, or maybe it is a licensed car.

At this moment, he received several official details of the BMW 520 and BMW 760 from his staff.

He can tell at a glance that the official BMW 760 detailed map is exactly the same as the car he just saw.

This also means that the car just now is indeed the BMW 760 that has changed its tail.

It also means that the car is indeed from the Emgrand Group.

Zhifei frowned and called and asked, “Do you know who the boss behind Aurous Hill Emgrand Group is?”

“I don’t know.” The other party replied: “The legal representative of the Emgrand Group is Doris Young, who is the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group, but the shares of the Emgrand Group are not in her name.”

Chapter 3130

After speaking, the other party further introduced: “Although this company is registered in Aurous Hill, the equity structure model of Aurous Hill Emgrand Group is the same as that of domestic Internet giants. There is also an overseas parent company in the upper structure.”

“What’s more f*cking is that its overseas parent company is an offshore company registered in the Cayman Islands.”

“This offshore company controls 100% of Aurous Hill Emgrand Group, so you have to find out who the owner of the offshore company is to know. Who is the real owner of the Emgrand Group.”

“It’s so troublesome…” Zhifei asked: “Can you find out the shareholder information of this offshore company overseas?”

“Unable to find out.” The other party said truthfully: “The Cayman Islands has long promulgated judicial regulations to provide comprehensive privacy protection for all companies registered in its territory.”

“Information related to directors and shareholders is completely confidential. The bank’s strategy is exactly the same, so we can’t find any information.”

“Grass!” Zhifei cursed angrily: “I don’t believe in this huge company of Emgrand Group in Aurous Hill. Does anyone know whether its boss is a man or a woman, and how old is that person?”

The other party immediately said: “The person who gave me the information told me that their boss is very powerful, young and handsome, and he also said that he was the mysterious rich man who was very famous last year in Aurous Hill!”

“What mysterious rich man?” Zhifei heard the other party saying that the boss of the Emgrand Group was young and handsome, and immediately became a little unhappy, and asked coldly, “Is this mysterious rich man very famous?”

The other party replied: “According to my source, he is quite famous. He used tens of millions of cash in a jadeite shop to smash a despising salesperson. At that time, there were a lot of rumors in the city about him.”

Zhifei was a little annoyed.

He felt that if according to his subordinates, the boss of the Emgrand Group was really a strong competitor.

Combined with Sara deliberately bypassing him, coming to the scene with him, and being so affectionate to bid farewell to him, maybe this guy has already taken a step ahead and won Sara’s favor!

Thinking of this, he felt angry and anxious, and blurted out, “Is there any personal information about this Doris Young?”

“Yes!” The other party introduced: “Her information is more transparent. She is a native of this city. She has all traces to follow in the past. She was a school teacher. Later, she joined the former Emgrand Group in a short time.”

“She helped the Emgrand Group continue to grow and develop, she has also been promoted all the way to the position of Vice Chairman of the Group. She has been the top leader of the group until now.”

Zhifei nodded and said, “In this way, if you want to know who the boss of the Emgrand Group is, you have to have a good chat with this woman.”

After that, he immediately ordered: “You can contact this woman for me, saying that I want to take some time to visit her at the Emgrand Group and talk to her about business cooperation.”

Zhifei felt that as the eldest son and eldest grandson of the Su family, as long as he reported his name to visit, who should not consider him a guest?

At that time, he meets that Doris, and will try to figure out the identity of her boss from her mouth.

If she doesn’t say anything, then throw a cooperation intention as a bait.

In this way, he believes that the boss of the Emgrand Group will definitely be impatient to meet him after hearing the news that the Su family is going to cooperate with him.

After hearing this, his man hurriedly asked him: “Master, when do you want to meet her?”

Zhifei said without hesitation: “As soon as possible, better if now!”

Chapter 3131

Zhifei never dreamed that the information he received through his subordinates was actually a game that Charlie deliberately asked the trusted man to play.

He deliberately revealed his identity as the “Chairman of the Emgrand Group” to Zhifei, just to make him have a sense of urgency, so as to completely divert his attention.

Otherwise, if Zhifei had been making a fuss about his wife’s BMW car, he could soon get his wife’s true identity.

Therefore, he deliberately let people propagate a false message, telling the other party that this car belongs to the Emgrand Group.

At the same time, in order to strengthen Zhifei’s trust, he deliberately exposed the details of the BMW 760 which is actually a BMW 760. In this way, naturally, Zhifei can be convinced strongly.

Once Zhifei believed that this car belonged to the Emgrand Group, his attention was completely deflected.

Then he released the chairman of the Emgrand Group’s information. He may be a handsome, young, and rich young man, and is related to the god-level wealthy status circulated on the Internet. Then he will believe in all this even more.

As Charlie expected, Zhifei’s current attention was focused on the chairman of the Emgrand Group.

While asking his man to arrange a meet with Doris Young of the Emgrand Group, he took out his mobile phone and searched for the short video of the god-level rich man who was all the rage in the city.

Sure enough, he found the scene where Charlie was photographed and recorded at the Jewelry shop.

However, it is a pity that the shooting angle of that video is not good, and the distance is relatively far, so he can’t see Charlie’s appearance, but the figure can be seen with a clearer outline.

That person is 1.85 meters tall, weighed less than one hundred and forty catties, had a body comparable to those long-legged men in the popular entertainment industry, which made Zhifei jealous.

He is most dissatisfied with his height. Although he is already 1.75 meters tall.

Among men, his height is considered to be above average, even two or three centimeters higher than the popular national trend at the beginning.

Nevertheless, he still carries in his bones, some dissatisfaction, because he only has the rich and handsome, if you want to occupy the “high” also, at least 1.8 meters or more.

Chapter 3132

Therefore, when Charlie’s height in the video was about 1.85 meters, and he was ten centimeters higher than him, Zhifei felt quite upset.

At this time, Zhifei’s assistant ran out of the stadium and knocked on his car window.

He opened the central control lock, and the assistant hurriedly pulled the car door and got into the co-pilot.

He asked, “Master, Miss Gu has already started the rehearsal. Don’t you want to go in and take a look?”

“No, I don’t!” Zhifei waved his hand irritably, and said, “Hurry up and make an appointment with that Doris Young. I’m going to see her!”

“Okay.” The assistant nodded and said: “I have asked someone to inquire about her contact information just now, and it is estimated that he will be able to reply in a while.”

Just finished speaking, the phone immediately received a text message.

In the text message, there is a string of mobile phone numbers starting with 139.

The assistant hurriedly said: “Master, the number has been sent, I will call her now!”

Zhifei gave an absent-minded hum, still staring at the phone screen, Charlie’s figure in the short video, all over his mind.

At the same time, his assistant had put the call to Doris’s cell number.

This person did not go around on the phone, and directly reported to Doris about his family, saying:

“Hello, Vice Young of the Emgrand Group, right? I am the assistant of Mr. Zhifei, the young master of the Su family of Eastcliff.”

“Our young master wants to talk to a senior from the Emgrand group about cooperation. I wonder if you have the time to meet with our young master?”

“What? Eastcliff’s Su Family?” Doris pretended to be surprised, and then said in a flattered tone:

“Oh! I never dreamed that I would be able to see Young Master Su in our Emgrand Group?! It’s really unbelievable.”

“Fortunately, I don’t know when the Young Master will have time? I will come to visit him at any time!”

Chapter 3133

Zhifei and his assistant, who was sitting next to him, were very satisfied with the excitement that Doris showed, and Zhifei’s expression was slightly relieved.

His assistant said at this moment: “Our young master is now in the city here, so if you have no problem, our young master can come to meet you now.”

“That’s great!” Doris’s voice was very excited, and blurted out: “Then I will immediately discard all the arrangements for the afternoon and wait for Master Su here!”

Zhifei’s assistant gave a hum, and asked tentatively: “By the way, our young master would like to meet the boss of Emgrand Group. I wonder if he has time in the afternoon?”

Doris hurriedly said: “I’m really sorry, our boss has always been very low-key, and he is still a hand-off shopkeeper.”

“Basically, he comes to the company two or three times a year, and he never participates in any commercial activities or meets anyone in the industry. Even me. I don’t know where he is, so please forgive me, Master Su.”

Zhifei’s assistant was also very helpless when he heard this, but fortunately, at least he was able to let the young master meet this woman first, so he said:

“Since your boss is not in the company, then wait until the opportunity arises. I will accompany you later.”

“Our young master will come to your Emgrand Group first, and you will do the greeting and security work ahead of time.”

Doris said without hesitation:

“Don’t worry, I will arrange the people under my hand to make preparations. When Master arrives, he can take the special elevator directly from the underground garage to the top floor!”

“Okay.” Zhifei’s assistant said: “In this case, we will be there in 20 minutes.”

After hanging up the phone, the assistant said to Zhifei: “Master, I will ask the bodyguard to prepare the vehicle, so don’t drive by yourself.”

Zhifei nodded. The reason why he drove by himself was original because he wanted to have a private space with Sara after picking her up, but unexpectedly, the meticulous preparations ended up being nothing. It’s f*cking mad when I think of it!

Zhifei’s bodyguards and subordinates quickly organized the team. The assistant personally opened the door for him and escorted him into the back row of another Rolls-Royce. Then the team immediately set off for the Emgrand Group.

However, Zhifei couldn’t even dream of it. At this moment, Charlie was already in Doris’s office, waiting for his self-investment.

And Doris stood in front of Charlie respectfully, and asked: “Master, Zhifei will be here soon, how should I respond?”

Charlie smiled slightly, pointed to the back door of Doris’s office, and said, “When he comes, I will go to your lounge and rest for a while. You can talk to him first, and I will come out when the time is right.”

Doris nodded, and couldn’t help asking again:

“Master, what do you plan to do with him? He is the Su family’s grandson. If you want to attack him, the Su family will definitely not give up.”

“Besides, if he disappears in the Emgrand Group. The Su family will definitely do everything possible to figure out all the circ*mstances of the Emgrand Group. By then, will your identity not be exposed?”

Charlie smiled and said: “It’s okay, don’t worry about this, I have my own way!”

Chapter 3134

Twenty minutes later.

Zhifei’s motorcade drove into the underground garage of Emgrand Group.

Doris has arranged in advance for her secretary and the person in charge of the security department to wait in the underground garage.

As soon as the convoy arrived, they immediately stepped forward to receive them respectfully, and then took Zhifei and his entourage from the special elevator in the underground garage to the top floor of the Emgrand Building.

Zhifei really enjoys the feeling of holding the position of the moon among stars. In his opinion, a company of 100 billion in the Emgrand Group should be like the present when facing himself, the young master of the Su family. So all next to him are all respectful.

Doris’s female secretary led the way and said as she walked: “Master Su, our deputy is waiting for you in the office, but her office is not too big, so your entourage will have to manage. They will take a break in the meeting room next to it, and I will ask someone to arrange tea for them.”

Zhifei nodded lightly.

He also didn’t want to take a lot of people into the other party’s office to talk about things.

Moreover, he didn’t feel that he would be in danger if he came to a group with a market value of hundreds of billions.

So he said to his assistant: “You go to the conference room and wait for me.”

The assistant nodded immediately and said, “Okay master!”

Zhifei’s assistant and bodyguard were introduced into the meeting room, and Doris’s female secretary brought Zhifei to the office alone.

The female secretary knocked on the door, and Doris personally opened the door to the office. Seeing Zhifei, she respectfully said: “Hello Master Su, I am Doris Young, Vice Chairman of Emgrand Group. Welcome, with your visit, the Emgrand Group is shining!”

Zhifei did not expect that the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group was such a beautiful and charming lady with considerable beauty. Seeing her wearing a professional suit with a knee-length skirt and her slightly curly long wavy hair, he was a bit stunned for a while.

Chapter 3135

Originally in Zhifei’s vision, since this woman could use her own efforts to become the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group step by step, then she would have to be at least thirty-five or even over forty years old.

After all, it takes time and experience to advance in the workplace. No one would believe that a woman under the age of thirty can rely on her strength to become the second-in-chief of a company with a market value of 100 billion.

Because of this fixed thinking mode in his heart, the moment he saw her, he felt amazed.

Therefore, he also nodded very gentlemanly and said: “I didn’t expect Vice Doris to be so young and to become the second-in-chief of a company at such a young age. The personal ability must be very remarkable.

Doris smiled humbly, and said humbly, “Master Su, I’ve been awarded.”

After that, she hurriedly turned sideways and said, “Please come in!”

“Okay!” Zhifei nodded, and strode into the office.

Doris said to her secretary: “Go and prepare the best tea for Master Su.”

The secretary hurriedly said: “OKay Vice-Chair!”

After the secretary left, Doris immediately invited Zhifei into her office and invited him to sit down on the sofa. Then she asked politely: “I wonder why Master Su came to our Emgrand Group?”

Zhifei smiled and said: “I have been in Aurous Hill for this period of time, and I am interested in making some investment in the city. I heard that your Group is the largest enterprise in Aurous Hill, so I want to cooperate with you.”

Having said that, he also deliberately added: “Oh, yes, the ‘one point’ cooperation is at least 50 billion.”

“Oh? Really?!” Doris immediately showed strong interest and asked with excitement: “I don’t know what kind of cooperation Master Su wants to do?”

Zhifei smiled slightly, raised his hand and pointed to the high-rise buildings outside, and said with a smile: “Real estate, hotels, energy, automobiles, the fields you can think of. Basically, our Su family is involved in these fields, so we can cooperate in fields. It’s not too much.”

Chapter 3136

After that, Zhifei said: “Isn’t new energy vehicles very popular recently? There are R&D and production bases for new energy batteries and vehicles in several cities across the country, but Aurous Hill doesn’t seem to have it yet?”

“I think we can establish a joint venture here. A new energy battery manufacturer specializes in the production of supporting power batteries for new energy vehicles.”

“It happens that we also have two traditional car brands in the hands of the Su family. Recently, we are also preparing to transform and develop new energy models. We will cooperate in depth at that time. Maybe we can build a brand of new energy vehicles together.”

Anyway, it’s just babbling, so Zhifei brags about it, and he doesn’t say anything about it with a deep heart. The Su family does have two traditional car brands, and they are indeed engaged in the transformation of new energy.

However, this kind of thing, from Business logic says that even if they find someone to cooperate with, they will only find professional companies in related fields to cooperate, and it is impossible to come to cooperate with an innocent company like the Emgrand Group in a second-tier city.

However, Zhifei feels that now new energy is a big outlet, and all companies want to come in and get a share of the pie, and it must be the same for companies of the size of the Emgrand Group.

Many companies see that the new energy industry is becoming more and more popular, but they can’t find an entry point. Now they are giving Emgrand Group a free opportunity to enter the new energy field. It is impossible to refuse, such a big deal.

Of course, he is not a wealthy boy who is here to give opportunities. The reason for drawing such a big cake is to take the opportunity to attract the chairman of the Emgrand Group.


As soon as he said this, Doris’s eyes flashed brightly. She couldn’t hide her excitement and said, “Oh, let’s talk about it Master Su, our boss has always wanted to wade in the field of new energy vehicles.”

“It’s just our Emgrand Group. We have always focused on real estate development and commercial real estate management. The development of the real estate, shopping malls, and hotels is our specialty.”

“However, we are unable to develop new energy vehicles. The boss is worried that there is no good opportunity. If the Su family is really interested in cooperating with us, that’s really a gift in the snow!”

Zhifei was very satisfied with Doris’s performance, smiled slightly, and said seriously: “vice-chairman Doris, I always speak for words. Since I have come here on my own initiative, I naturally hope to cooperate with your Emgrand Group.”

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then continued: “As you know, although our Su family has a strong overall strength, our main business is concentrated in and around Eastcliff. There is no business foundation in Aurous Hill. There is no network at all.”

“If you want to build a new energy battery and automobile production base in Aurous Hill, you must have in-depth cooperation with Aurous Hill local companies.”

“In this way, it will be easier to approve, acquire land, build factories, and apply for government subsidies.”

“Your Emgrand Group is the largest enterprise here. Cooperating with you is to join forces for mutual benefit!”

“That’s great!” Doris said excitedly: “Since Young Master Su can value us, then we will definitely go all out in cooperation!”

“Yeah!” Zhifei nodded in satisfaction, then changed the conversation, and suddenly said: “Oh, right, vice-chairman Doris, I estimate that the total investment of this cooperation project will be at least 60 to 70 billion, and it may even be worth hundreds of billions.”

“For such big cooperation, I want to meet your boss and have a chat in person. I wonder if you can ask him for me?”

“This…” Doris hesitated for a moment, and then said: “Mr. Su, let me tell you, our chairman has always been not very concerned about the Emgrand Group…”

Chapter 3137

To say that Charlie is not very caring about the Emgrand Group is the expression of Doris’s true feelings.

She knew that Charlie was in the lounge behind the office, so she said this a bit loud on purpose.

Since the change of the Emgrand Group to him, the number of times Charlie has come to the office together is estimated to be no more than ten times.

What makes Doris helpless is that every time Charlie comes to the Emgrand Group, it is not because of something related to business.

In other words, Charlie, the owner, never worried about the development direction of the Emgrand Group.

In the past, Doris had no opinion on this. On the contrary, she also liked the freedom of being 100% trusted and being able to do it by herself.

However, since she had a good impression of Charlie from the bottom of her heart, his reckless attitude made her feel a little alienated from him.

This kind of grievance mainly stems from a feeling of neglect deep in the heart.

She hoped that he would come to the Group frequently, even if it is to deprive her of decision-making power, Charlie had the final say, and she had no opinion.

Because in that way, she would be able to see him often.

Unfortunately, he never took this business seriously.

Therefore, she deliberately took this opportunity to make complaints, hoping that after Charlie heard it, he would be more concerned about the development of the Group in the future.

At this moment, Charlie felt somewhat ashamed when he heard Doris’s spit.

When it comes to him, it is really a complete hand-off worry-free owner.

After taking over the business, without asking questions, it was completely entrusted to Doris to manage.

That’s all, after JX Pharmaceutical was started, he also threw it directly to Liang to operate.

Except for a trip to Japan in person and the pharmaceutical company that incorporated the Kobayashi family, he has never taken care of JX after that.

Moreover, when the ocean shipping group is launched in the future, there is a high probability that it will not be too much trouble.

Because there will be Melba and Zhiyu sitting there, and there will be Pollard Watt, the professor of the economics behind him, for guidance and support, it seems that he is completely useless.

Charlie couldn’t help sighing in his heart that he was indeed lucky. He met a lot of reliable and competent subordinates and collaborators.

It is precisely because of their strength that he can be at ease as a business owner.

Otherwise, he would be exhausted by the trivialities of several companies.

Chapter 3138

At this time, Zhifei, who was sitting outside, asked Doris with an incredulous expression: “Why is your boss not too concerned about your group’s affairs? Does he have other business outside?”

Doris nodded, and said: “Our boss does have other businesses out there.”

Zhifei suddenly felt a little puzzled.

“I originally thought that the chairman of the Emgrand Group, his net worth is only an Emgrand Group, that’s all.”

“In that case, how could the chairman of a group with a market capitalization of 100 billion in his neighborhood compare to me, the eldest master of a trillion-dollar asset family?”

“But looking at it this way, it seems that the chairman of the Emgrand Group has other industries outside…”

“Furthermore, he doesn’t care about the Emgrand Group, which has a market value of 100 billion yuan, indicating that the market value of his external industry is for sure a lot more than that of the Emgrand Group!”

“If this is the case, then this person’s strength is a bit unfathomable.”

In Zhifei’s view, if he only had 100 billion, then everything was clear. His ceiling was 100 billion, which was far behind himself.

However, if he has more than one hundred billion, then everything becomes confusing.

More than 100 billion, it may be 200 billion, or it may be 300 billion or even 500 billion.

Once the ceiling is gone, then this height is not predictable for him.

This made Zhifei’s deep sense of crisis even heavier.

In fact, he also knew his own burden.

Although he was the eldest son of the Su family, he was just enjoying the aura of the Su family.

His grandpa Chengfeng occupies the control of the entire family, let alone his own, even his father has no real power.

Without real power, it means that there is no real money.

The chairman of the Emgrand Group can put out tens of billions of cash at will, but he can’t put out so much money at all.

In this case, in front of the chairman of the Emgrand Group, he will become a straw bag of gold and jade, but also a ruin…

And why does he want to pursue Sara with a deliberate effort?

On the one hand, it was because he was really obsessed with Sara, on the other hand, it was because he had no real power in the Su family.

Therefore, he eagerly wants to use Gu family’s wealth to improve his own strength and even wants to use Gu family’s strength to make Grandpa look at him with admiration.

In this way, it will also enhance the possibility of him inheriting the Su family in the future.

For these reasons, Sara has a powerful strategic significance to his life.

In his mind, there is absolutely no room for the slightest mistake!

Chapter 3139

When he thought of this, his heart was even angrier.

Not only did he hate the chairman of the Emgrand Group, he even dared to run out to win love, but also hated his grandfather Chengfeng.

A dying old thing who firmly held control of the Su family and was reluctant to let go of his power towards his younger generation.

He even hated his sister Zhiyu.

She actually took advantage of the grievance she had suffered, forced the old man to leave the entire ocean transportation group, and even took the old man’s private island for retirement.

In contrast, he has nothing.

Really, nothing…

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and raised his head to look at Doris.

He said, “Miss Vice-chair, your boss will not have trouble with money if he wants to come. If we both reach a cooperation, it may be a company with a scale of hundreds of billions.”

“Looking at our domestic new energy car companies, the market value of the largest one has approached the 100 billion U.S. dollar mark, which is more than 600 billion yuan!”

“If we join forces, we will probably not be any worse than them, so big. Your boss will be interested in buying and selling if he wants to, so you might as well call him or send a text message to report and see if he is really interested.”

Doris hesitated for a moment, and said: “In this case, I will report to our chairman first.”

Zhifei instantly beamed his eyebrows and blurted out: “Okay! See what he says.”

Doris took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Charlie on WeChat.

The content is: Master, how should I reply to him now?

Charlie replied: You ask him if he is really sure that he wants to see me.

After receiving it, Doris put down her phone, looked at Zhifei, and asked seriously: “Master Su, are you sure you want to see our chairman in person?”

“Of course I am!” Zhifei said without hesitation:

“Ms. Doris, I don’t mean to look down on you, but for such a big business, it is naturally more efficient to talk to your boss directly. What do you think?”

Doris nodded, her tone suddenly lost its enthusiasm, and she said lightly: “Well, since you are sure, then I will invite our chairman to talk to you.”

Zhifei couldn’t help frowning. He didn’t expect that Doris suddenly became cold-hearted, and changed her respectful expression just now, and changed the title from “you” with admiration and awe to “you” with indifference.

This made him feel a little bit in his heart. A feeling of offense passed his mind.

At the moment when his anger surged, a door in the office was suddenly pushed open, and a somewhat familiar voice came and asked with a sneer: “Mr. Zhifei, you are so impatient to see me right?”

Chapter 3140

Zhifei never dreamed that a person would suddenly appear in the innermost part of Doris’s office.

Moreover, he was more puzzled as to why this person’s voice made him feel a little familiar.

When he subconsciously turned his head to follow the sound, his whole brain exploded with a buzzing sound.

His eyes widened in an instant, and his thinking fell into sluggishness in an instant!

He naturally recognized Charlie at a glance!

After all, the impression he left on him in Japan was too deep, and he could not forget this appearance until his death.

At this moment, he was shocked to the core, and immediately afterward, he couldn’t help but mutter:

“Ah…it’s…it’s you?! This…how is this possible!!!”

Charlie came to face him and asked jokingly: “Why? We haven’t seen each other for some days. When you see me again, you won’t even call me Grace?!”

Zhifei was instantly stunned by Charlie’s powerful aura, and immediately came to his mind the shocking picture of him killing several ninjas in Kyoto, Japan that day!

So, he trembled all over, and immediately bent over and bowed, and said respectfully:

“Well…Grace…you…how are you here?! My sister and I have been looking for you since our goodbye in Kyoto.”

“I want to repay your life-saving deed, but I didn’t expect to see you here… I am so surprised to see you just now, how improper my manners are, please forgive me!”

Charlie sneered and said: “Zhifei tell you something, you don’t even treat your own in Eastcliff well with respect, and you have come to Aurous Hill to get respect.”

“You have come to Emgrand of your own initiative, you wanted to see me. I have come out as you wished.”

“Now tell me why are you here has your brain stopped working?”

Zhifei exclaimed: “Grace…you…you are the chairman of the Emgrand Group?!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 3121-3140 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.